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Warnings - Baby cruelty, talks of death, sensitive subjects, PTSD

At first, you thought Clint had brought his youngest, Nathaniel, by for everyone to see, but then you realized he was on a mission, along with Natasha. The crying was messing with your head, your homework getting put on pause as you slid out of your chair and padded down to the common room to find what baby was here.

That's when you saw it. All the Avengers were standing around a baby laying on a blanket in the middle of a circle, watching it-him-cry it's face red. Bucky and Steve looked the most confused, both looking at each other with troubled faces.

"Who brought an infant here?" You asked while stepping into the room, pushing past Thor and Tony, who looked at you with wide eyes. "And why are you guys just standing around him? Get him to stop crying," you state, and everyone is shocked at your next action. The baby was in your arms and instantly calm, brown eyes red and wide as he looked at you.

"How the hell..." Bucky trailed off, both surprised and not that you could get the silence back in the room after three hours of non-stop crying from the infant. "Why didn't we take it to you first?" He muttered, but earned a harsh glare from you.

"The last time I checked, he is a person, small, but none the less of what you were when you were born," you corrected, holding the baby boy gently while rocking him back and forth. Eventually, his eyes fell and he was holding your finger tightly, shocking the group more. "Where did you find him, anyways? He looks like a new born," you whispered. He was asleep, and by the looks of it, was at peace.

"We found him by a dumpster when we were walking the street, and someone-" In the middle of Steve's explaination, he kicked Bucky's foot before looking back at you. "-went over and held it, bringing him back with us here. He hasn't stopped crying since, and we were kind of losing hope," he muttered the last part, ashamed in probably himself, and everyone else for barely even trying.

You smiled gently and looked at Bucky, seeing the large splotch of red take over his face as he tried to hide from you. "Always the father figure, Barnes," you commented, though, it wasn't wrong.

Bucky found you just a few years ago, having convinced Fury that he would take care of you to prove he wasn't the bad person the world made him to be. Your parents were Hydra agents, and you were there, locked up just a floor below him with nothing but a fake window and a non working light while he was escaping after being captured on a mission.

You weren't mentally stable when he brought you back to the compound, but he fought for you, harder than he had with himself when you were going to be sent somewhere away from him. You were only a teenager, fifteen now and holding a new born he had found in the streets, most likely dumped and left to be dead.

"What can I say, I like helping the helpless," he responded quickly, earning a larger smile from you as you glanced down at the baby in your arms. Still asleep and turning to your chest. "Y/N, Doll, I don't know what's going to happen to i-him," he sigha and moves forward, but stops when you spin away from him.

"What? We can't just put him up for adoption, he was left outside, alone and most likely in an alley," you defended, your tone harsh, something Bucky has never gotten from you before. "Why bring him here when you're just going to leave him?"

"Honey, he has a family," Tony whispered. He can see the emotion in your eyes and the way you look at the child you're holding, as if it was your own sibling.

"Everyone has family somewhere, doesn't mean they're all good," you spit, looking down when the weight in your arms shifts his head, probably on the verge of waking up with the sudden arguement. "Look, just let him stay, please. If he was there, he was probably just left from some bad home or something. He barely looks six months old," you point out, your body slowly relaxing once you realized Bucky wasn't going to take him from you.

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