Hide and Seek

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Inspired by that one Criminal Minds episode where the hunters release their victims into the woods to hunt them. But this has Bucky. :)

Also, this episode really just showed how awful people can be, and it creeped me out. I think MGG directed it. Also S5E16. (Iykyk)

(Episode - Open Season. S2E21)

Warnings - Mentions of Rape, blood, violence, throat slitting

This one is a little more descriptive about certain things, so if you're sensitive about that, I recommend you don't read this.

He told you to run, so you did. Not only did you not know where you were, but you also couldn't see. But that didn't stop you. The second you opened a door, you were in an alley way. Blood covered the stairs, meaning not very many people made it out.

A fun night out with friends, turned into a torture chamber. Bucky was holding onto your arm for dear life when the two of you were being followed, nervous since he was a little tipsy. Steve and Nat had went the other way, having parked closer to the bar for being early.

Someone popped out of the alley in front of the two of you, catching you both off guard. Most of it was foggy from there, only knowing something was slipped into both of your necks before blacking out and waking up somewhere Bucky wasn't.

Now, you were running in a dead street, barefoot and bloodied. All your fighting skills slipped out the window when Bucky was threatened, your friends as well. You were a target, and it was clear.

Bucky woke up to Steve shaking him, but was in the alley. He shot up and looked around for you, shaking his head. "Th-they took her." He had mumbled, finding your phone, wallet, keys, and shoes on the ground. "Steve, they took her."

He hasn't stopped looking since he got back to the compound, not wanting to find you dead. Women have gone missing recently, and been found the exact same way. A stab wound to the heart. It wasn't just some coincedence, and he wasn't able to think about you finding like that. There were other wounds, such as signs of rape, struggle, and beatings. Just thinking about you suffering like that made his heart ache.

It's been a week since then, and he wasn't giving up. The team was on the edge of calling police, something they should've done in the first place, but Bucky didn't want to cause a rise in the suspect that you were being looked for. Normally, the wo.e were found three days later after being taken, but you were being kept.

The street you were on was dark, and only lit up with the lights provided. There were no cars anywhere to be seen, not even parked. Like a movie set, you thought as you ran, still being in your dress from when you were out with the team.

You passed two street phones before you remembered you took a few quarters off a table to use as a weapon or object to get free. The next one you passed, you stopped at. The man gave you a ten minute headstart, so you had time.

Steve's phone rang for the third time before he saw it was a number he didn't know, sliding the red dot over, and going back to what he was doing. A few seconds later, Bucky's phone rang, it being the same number.

"Hello?" He answered, having just seen his best friend discard the number.


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