Silent Night

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Silence. A thing someone takes advantage of when they don't have it. It's was just genetics. You were bound to get it. Your father wasn't lucky to dodge, and neither were you. That didn't make you any less of someone in his eyes. He saw you as strong, capable anything anyone else with hearing can do, and stubborn. It scares him to be with you because of all the disadvantages that could happen, but he doesn't put you down for it.

Christmas was the thing you loved to spend with family, and now that you had someone, it got stressful. Your parents had assured you they could go once without you there, but you didn't want that. Tradition is tradition. But at the same time, you didn't want to hurt Bucky's feelings.

He was having you meet the team, even though you've been dating for almost three years. He's told stories or says they don't believe you exist, but he just wanted to make sure all threats were gone before letting you meet them. Now that Hydra was gone, nothing could come up that would put you in danger.

It was something big to you, and not only did it stress you out, but it made you upset you couldn't be at two places at once. It was family or family. Two choices that are the most difficult.

Bucky could sense something off you the second you walked into the apartment, and stood from the couch to meet you in the hallway. "Everything okay?" He asked casually. He learned awhile ago he could talk normally, just had to be facing you and in good light.

With his heightened senses, it was like he could physically smell the stress off you. Like some wolf. It hit his brain like a wall, and the bricks hit a protective button in his mind.

"My parents say it's okay for me to miss Christmas to go with you, but it breaks tradition," you sign quickly out of frustration, forgetting that he doesn't register it that well.

"A little slower, doll."

"Sorry." You sigh before starting over again. "I don't know what I'm going to do about Christmas. My mom says it's okay, but I feel like I'm hurting her. But at the same time, I don't want to hurt you and decline the team. It's your family, I'm your family, and I don't know what to do." A tear slipped down your red cheek from the cold air, and he wiped it with his warm hand.

"Please don't cry," he whispered and kissed your forehead. "We'll figure it out, okay? Come, I made dinner." Reluctantly, you nodded and followed him into the kitchen, letting the smell of chicken basil soup fill your senses.

A week later, your mom made the decision for you. Oddly. Normally, she would talk you through your options before letting you decide, but not this time. She told you, forced you, that you were going to the tower with Bucky, and assured she would be okay with your father. They had plans apparently for a night in with some friends anyway, and would love the night to themselves.

Bucky, on the other hand, was nervous. His leg was bouncing, and he never sat down for a minute before standing and pacing the room. He was hiding something. He would get home late sometimes, or even not at all. You knew he was faithful, and trusted him with every ounce, you were just worried for his health.

When Christmas came around, he was excited as well, and woke you up like a child. He had a box in his hand with a letter, and a plate of breakfast in the other.

A smile found a way on your lips, and you sat up, but not before kissing him, and leaned on the headboard. He sat down next to you with the tray of food in his hand, and gave you your presents. With a point to the window sill, he smiled and stood to move the curtain to find a box he never saw there.

"Really? The window?"

You smirked and gave a shrug before laughing, letting him have his own defeat for not being the best assassin in the world. (Can't even find a Christmas gift he was snooping for. smh)

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