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Warnings - Blood, Angsty, enemies-lovies, Steve is kinda a dick in this, enhanced!reader, female strength, injuries, just pain all around, illegal shit, Nomad Steve because he deserves a warning by himself, suggestive stuff, things seen as Self Harm or depression

Holy shit that's a lot of Warnings



Steve follows Natasha as she lead the way up the sidewalk to the cottage just around the corner. He turns back every few steps, too paranoid that someone unwanted is following them as he huffs. He didn't want to come here. He had his own spot to hide out at, but according to the assassin, "he would be found in a day".

As much as he trusted his friend, he wanted to go on his own ways with Bucky and Sam. Clint had taken the family route and struck a deal, while he was still on the run, taking whatever chance to fight Ross and the government. Nothing in his mind would change. He was no signing away his freedom.

After leaving Wakanda, Natasha had stuck with him for awhile before he got the idea to break his team out. Stark had to of known by now, but he didn't give a shit. He didn't care about anything. He was breaking every law there was, and being a fugitive felt nice now.

He was able to drop his duties of saving the world and go a little deeper into his life. As much as Steve liked being an Avenger, he could go outside the cameras and do what he wanted. He sleep at a girls place and leave whenever, not feeling the guilt he used to once a few months went by.

Steve was a changed man. He wasn't ever going to go back to his moral ways. Having sex with women and leaving before dawn, running from the law, and doing everything he once thought against before his fight with Stark. Part of him wanted to get caught so he could finish the job, but he knew he wouldn't be able to. As much as he hated him for what he did to Bucky, Steve couldn't kill. Not Tony, anyways.

If there was anyone he wanted to hurt without feeling guilty, it was the woman answer the door Natasha had knocked on. His face falls when he sees your face, and your eyes harden at the sight of him, attempting to close the door before Sam placeshis foot inside.

"No," you tell him, pushing them all off the porch. "You guys are getting to get me killed, so get your asses off my property before you have a bigger problem."

His blood boils as he stands up, wiping his hands together. "A bigger problem than you?" He chuckles darkly, ignoring the shove from Bucky as he steps towards your house again. "We all know that's not possible, Y/N."

"Says the one who literally broke every law the United States had to save someone you didn't go back for to find when he "died"." Sure, it was a low blow, but Steve definitely deserves it. Especially with every word he had said towards you all those years ago. "Get the hell out of my face before I melt your skin off, Rogers."

"Y/N," Natasha says, face softening when you meet her gaze. Her eyes plead everything she has, and you start to shake your head. "Give us a few days, just until we find a new place."

"Everyone but him." You nudge your head towards Steve, and as much as he loves Bucky, he has to grab his hand to stop him from moving forward. With the quick glance up towards you, he's able to spot the smirk on your face. "You must be Barnes. Y/N Y/L/N."

Bucky heard the story from Sam awhile back. There was definitely alcohol involved just to get him to open up, but eventually, he was able to hear all the shitty things his best friend had spit out towards you that made you leave. He couldn't believe Steve at first, but at the moment, he was only waiting until he could fully get the story before he went off on him.

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