Enough For You

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My first song fic, and kinda nervous. Lol. Anyways, Steve is an asshole and Bucky is our lover. El oh el.

Olivia Rodrigo - Enough For You

Warnings - Angst, Self Harm, Blood, suicide attempt, eating disorder, panic attacks, path of recovery

It hurt. The lies. The truth. The view. Everything hurt. God it was painful. Watching him kiss her like you didn't exist, like he forgot about you. Like you were nothing to him. How long has it been going on? You didn't know. Didn't want to. You couldn't even answer Bucky's questions when you showed up at his doorstep, almost puking and sobbing with a jamble of an explanation after every memory with him came up.

That's how it's been for a week. You hadn't even told him what happened yet, because everytime you went to, you were throwing up what he was giving you, your head pounding and stomach removing the butterflies you had everytime you had seen him. Now, it was just pure hatred and betrayal.

After finally getting you to lay down, he called Steve, but there was no answer. He could tell you were ignoring him from the way you threw your phone at the wall, cracking it when he called and texted with worry. Now, he was sitting next to you, rubbing your shoulder as you slept, something that had taken persuasion and lots of comforting to even get you to sit on his bed.

Thirteen hours later, you were still asleep, and Bucky was learning from Sam what happened. And man was he pissed. No wonder why everytime you opened your mouth only your own stomach was coming out; you just lost the person you couldn't live without, and had to watch.

"You're fucking stupid, Steve!" He screamed, his fists contained at his sides to keep from hitting him. "She's been puking at my apartment all week, and you're not even there! What the hell has gotten into you?!"

When he had the nerve to show up, Bucky really hit him. You had still been asleep, texts from Sam saying you have barely been moving giving him the example how exhausted you really were. He was worried. Now. But no one was buying it, not even Natasha who didn't have the gut to tell you when she first saw it happen. Three months ago.

I wore make up when we dated
Because I thought you'd like me more
If I looked like the other prom queens
I know that you loved before
Tried so hard to be everything that you'd like

Now, you were slowly getting the hang of things again. Bucky got you to eat, after nine days of nothing, and you started drinking water, your appetite slowly growing after losing it for so long. You even showered, with his help, and changed clothes, something that should seem easy if you weren't so weak. You didn't look like yourself. Now make up was running down your cheek, and you weren't glowing like you used to do, and it was obvious.

You quit. Tony tried to keep you, but you barely looked him in the eye when placing your resignation letter on his desk. Steve was there, and you just pushed passed him to go to your old room, something you haven't been in because of everything that says him. Even the smell.

"Y/N," he calls, grabbing your elbow. You let him, tired of not facing him. Exhausted from trying to skip his schedule. "Just talk to me."

You couldn't keep the laugh out of your mouth, even though it was nothing funny. Ironic. "Oh, talk to you?" You spin around, ripping your arm from his grip like he burned you. "Why didn't you talk to me? You lose feelings? You didn't want me anymore? For three months, Steve, you went behind my back and slept with someone else. Fucking a girl you told me you were just friends with. You called me crazy for thinking you would do something like that, so I tried not to worry about it. I trusted you were a good person, great role model for the world. Was I not enough for you?" You were tired of crying, shedding your tears for someone who doesn't care.

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