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Bucky loves sleeping next to you. It's his favorite thing to do. If it was just laying down watching a movie, or holding you as close as possible, even to the point he has to pull you on top of him.

But, he can't have the room cold. It feels like he is trapped, always having the heat on. And since he doesn't know how to work the thermostat with Stark tech, he uses even numbers.

And it's a 100°.

You, on the other hand, can't take the heat. It has to be good enough to sleep under a blanket, and at the moment, you were pushing away from Bucky to go to the other side of the bed, kicking the blankets off your legs quietly.

You were sweating.

Telling him your predicament was hard, because he needed to be more comfortable than you to not be disturbed. But, it had to be over the top, right? He had just gotten back from a mission, meaning he upped the temperature. But he's never had it this high.

Hearing the sheets rustle behind you, you know he's starting to wake up. Bucky had told you your weight is enough to feel comfortable to sleep, so the second you moved out of his arms, he knew you were no longer next to him.

"Y/N?" He sits up quickly in fear, but when you turn your head to face him, he instantly is filled with relief, his eyes closing as he breathes. But when he opens them again, he leans over to push your hair back. "Shit, Doll, you're burning up."

"It's hot in here, Buck."

Instantly, he stands to turn the thermostat down. "Fuck, Y/N, why didn't you say anything? I could've given you a heat stroke."

"You need to be comfortable," you reason as he walks to the bed, the air slowly coming through from the vents above. The moon reflects his own sweat as he sits atop of the covers, but he doesn't hesitate to pull you to his side again.

"Yeah, but I would like you to be alive." Kissing your sweaty forehead, he stands again, and you watch as he moves to the other side of the bed to crawl in. "Come here, Doll, you gotta cool off." His left arm moves to your shoulder and you sigh at the feel of metal, sitting up to slide your sweaty shirt off. "God, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Tell me next time, and I'll know."

You nod, feeling slightly uncomfortable with touching his hot body to yours. "It's still hot in here, Buck." You pull away from him but keep a grip on his arm, holding it to your head. "Just let it cool down, and then I'll sleep next to you."

He watches as you breathe deeply, and can't help but focus on your quickened heart rate, listening as is slows from the cool air. He is grateful he had woken up when he did now that he knows you were suffering, rubbing his metal thumb across your forehead as sweat slowly cools on your skin.

It wasn't long before you started to shiver, and Bucky looks over at you. Somehow, you had gotten further away from him, yet hadn't let go of his hand, subconsciously entwining your fingers together as you shift on your back. But now he is pulling you to him again, not having found that peace since you weren't even touching him where he could feel it.

You sigh against his chest when he pulls the slightly damp blankets up, causing him to chuckle. He hadn't realized how cold you had gotten in just the past hour of the air being on. He is comfortable, body warm and mind slowly dragging him to sleep the second he feels your arm move across the middle of his waist.

Bucky loved sleeping with you, especially when you were just as comfortable as he was.

Word Count - 661

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