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Warnings - Mention of Trauma, seizure, reader injury

Recovery was one hell of a ride in a time when Bucky was only used to torture. Pain was only a method of gaining information, and he refused like the good sergeant he was. He denied anything that ever happened to him, because in the end, his country was safe and he'd only hesitate to do it all again if it meant the same outcome.

It wasn't until Steve found him that pain wasn't just physical. Hydra found a way to be everywhere at once without ever having to lay a hand in him. It started in his wrists, casually bringing back the times where he was held down so many times.

Then it traveled back to his arm, reminding him every waking and even sleeping moment that he wasn't fully human. The loving touches that reminded him of his mother were now taken over by stabbing, searing pain that resonated his nerve ends, sending him in a spiral.

Which ended all over his head.

Bucky couldn't get the feeling of being trapped out of his skin. He'd clutch all over, trying to get the clamps to go away, to stop the electricity from entering his brain, bevause he couldn't forget. Not Steve. Natasha. Even Sam.

But especially you.

In the past year, he's found refuge in the glimmering light of your heart. He's found himself laying in your embrace on multiple occasions, can admit he's never felt better. Bucky has even spent the night at your apartment quote a few times, easing each visit because it helps with the nightmares of his past.

But right now, he can only feel his own dull sheets and raging pain in his head because hes trying hard to focus on the good in his life. You. Coffee in bed. Mornings in the woods. Steve's insanely bad jokes that don't fail to make him smile.

It's all useless as he sweats, prying whatever metal is connected to his head off only to feel back on seconds later. He doesn't understand how they found him again. Or where you are considering he'd fallen asleep only an hour after you did, holding you tightly to his body because God forbid he ever let go of you as you let vulnerability take over.

You trusted Bucky enough to sleep with him knowing that anyone could bist down the door, and having that on his chest doesn't help as panic surges through his veins. He needs to find you, maybe explain everything one more time to help you call him down.

He can't forget you. He can't let his mind go black without telling you he loves you more than his own life.

"Bucky!" The urgency in the voice clearly comes from you, but he fades without Knowing why you're so scared. He'll figure it out later. For now, he just needs to pray he doesn't hurt you.

It was only a matter of time before Bucky had one of his nightmares with you. The things he'd explained over and over that scared him sleepless. He'd learned to slowly get out of the phase, but missions take his energy, and sleeping has been the problem now.

And it backfired the moment you encouraged him.

Bucky was shaking the bed, clearly distressed so much that it woke you. His body was climbing into higher temperatures than the already steady heat he ran at, and with a simple look at him, he was struggling to grasp onto reality.

In an attempt to at least help, you grabbed his wrists, only to feel the metal of his fingers encase around your own hand, squeezing just enough to leave a bruise before your free hand was pushing his hair back, trying to keep him from rolling out of the bed.

Whatever it was that was haunting him, had him whimpering, clearly distraught as be tried to call out to you. No words would assure him, sleep keeping him under before the shaking started.

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