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The scene above was my inspiration

Warnings - Attempt of murder by a ghost?

It happened to you as a kid, and no one knows why. It was normal now, being paranoid and walking through the steps of having something you couldn't exactly see following you with every movement.

Your family has gotten used to it, even after you moved all along the country to keep it from attaching to you, something that was inevitable for the amount of states and even other countries you've been to to try lose track of whatever the hell it was that was claiming you as theirs.

After years, they finally found someone willing to go through the trouble to figure out what was wrong, having been eighteen when you ran the first test with Bruce Banner, who was over excited to try and figure out what it was that was creating hell in your life.

It was years later, and nothing was still found. The Avengers had been started, and you helped with what you could, not doing much due to now knowing what to do. Then Bruce left, leaving with a country destroyed and in pieces with millions of survivors as well as dead.

In between that time frame, the compound was built, and Tony had offered you a spot on the team for deep analysis, taking Bruce's position to look inside your head with the help of F.R.I.D.A.Y., the new AI that seemed to be even more talkative than Jarvis.

Steve was always someone you had found interest in, his caring nature for you enough to fall for him more as he checked in on you daily.

Then things started to happen.

Lights started to flicker, and tech started going missing that Tony would need, even pieces of suits that were deadly enough to cause a tactical explosion. Then Wanda was being effected, her powers going off once you walked into a room, or Tony's suits initiating the blasters that were going only for you. It was enough to start working harder to figure out what was really going on.

You weren't sure why you awake, but you knew you were cold. Your room looked as if a thin layer of frost had taken over, and your breath was visible once you realized the thermostat was still at 72.

Sighing, you crawled out of bed, stopping in your tracks when your door creaked open slowly. The hall was pitch black, the moon being the only source of light that was coming from your window, which was open and blowing a summer breeze that was doing nothing to warm your room.

"Hello?" You call out softly, hoping someone else was up. You knew it wasn't that, but you also weren't falling for whatever was being played by what was being pulled on you. "Steve? Tony?" You knew it was a call out, but hearing the loud clinking of glass in the kitchen made you less suspicious as you slowly tiptoed down the hall and into the space. It was empty.

You released a nervous breath and moved to the counter to grab a class, looking behind you as movement came from the common room. It was dark, eerie, and only the chandelier was slightly swinging as goosebumps covered your body like a second skin from just looking into the room from over the bar. You felt the presence before you could actually know what was happening, the swing lights above you starting to rock as you started the tap to pour into the glass.

Everything happened so fast. The cabinets opened with all their contents on the floor, lights buzzing and falling from the ceiling and onto your head as you screamed, trying to jump over all the glass as pans started to fall from the wooden shelf Tony had designed to hold all the stove utensils.

The chandelier in the common room was on the ground, as well as the TV, trapping you from leaving with the glass covering the floor. All you could hear was your rushing heartbeat as you looked around, your feet starting to burn from the sharp edges cutting through your skin, your brain not taking in the pain as more started to fall from the bottom cabinets.

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