Grumpy (3)

526 13 2

Warnings - dissociation, mentions of Sexual Assault, attempt of rape, Bucky being a confused lil bean

Bucky watches you carefully. You've been asleep for the past three hours with a hold on his hand that's nothing but gentle. He'd been able to wipe the blood off your arms with the rest of the rags he found, but when you asked to hold his hand, he settled on the floor of the cabin to watch you the next half hour.

There aren't any words to describe the way he's feeling at the moment. He's too scared to take his hand away from you, though, so he keeps everything on you. His eyes, body, even mind. He doesn't understand why he can't just go to the cockpit, but then he remembers the last time he walked away from you.

Stay. Please?

It didn't take Bucky long to figure out he would basically do anything you asked him. And the way you reached out and almost fell in the floor only made it worse for his case as he sat down and took your hand gently into his. He doesn't move at all, not even a soothing squeeze while he sits on the floor.

There's this sudden need for him to just protect you, and now that he's seen — heard — the worst of what could come, he tries to sit as close as possible to at least feel your breath on his arm. The first aid kit slides across the floor, but he pays no mind to it, occasionally checking his bicep despite already knowing that the wound closed.

His mind keep flashing back to the multiple attempts you had used to attack him. He read your fear the moment he'd seen you in the corner, and he tries to see if things would've gone different if he had gotten there faster or known you were in trouble quicker.

Bucky swipes his hand over your knuckles once before he realizes this is mostly his fault. He should've known the sincerity of the task, what he was here for and not just your body guard that you didn't need at the time. He finds himself always finding ways to get to you that end up with you hurt in the end.

And this time had crossed the line. The blood still covering your skin is the only reminder that he should've focused, and his thumb goes over your knuckles once more, feeling the rough skin broken open. The fight you had put up, the one he had been apart of when you didn't have to anymore.

The jet lands abruptly, and Bucky stands to his feet, reluctantly letting go of your hand to start the protocol. He checks the surroundings first, sure that everything is clear before closing the hangar and gathering your things. He makes sure you're still asleep by the time he places them by the door before kneeling in front of you, careful not to startle you as he rubs your arm.

"C'mon, Doll," he whispers when you shift, starting to pull back the blanket he'd laid over you. Bucky halts when your face contorts into a pained expression, his body instinctively moving closer. "Slow, Y/N," he encourages, already helping you sit up as you rub at your head.

"Remind me to never stab someone when they're on top of me."

Bucky feels his heart pupate harder than ever, hands stopping at your sides to meet your gaze completely. There's a shine in your eyes, and with the gentle smile trying to pull at your lips, he relaxes a little. He still can't move.

How could you be joking about this? He doesn't understand how you see the light in such a dark topic as you try and scrub your hands free of the blood. Though, he can read you easily. The fear is present in your voice and behind your eyes.

"You're joking?" He questions, staring at you with what could only be true curiosity.

"No, Barnes, I would love to stab every single person that gets on top of me just for the hell of it." Bucky holds back the annoyance in his throat when you reply back with nothing but sarcasm, your face dropping of all emotion to the point he can't even read you. A smile curves your lips at his silence, and his body relaxes just a little. "Better be careful, wouldn't want you to die with a hard on."

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