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Warnings - Attempt of kidnapping, big stalking, creep of a man, kidnapping


It's different. You know it is. Steve's staring is much more admiration, while this one feels more...stalking. He has always been different than anyone else. So much, you could separate him from a large crowd if he is staring, or if he is coming up behind you or someone else is.

But this. This is so much more.

The following has gotten worse, but you can't see anyone behind you when you turn back. Paparazzi has a different feel as well. They're more dramatic than how Steve is when coming up to you.

Still. This one is different. Nothing feels good about this.

Standing in front of the mirror, you lean on the counter, a flash of lightning coming through the window. The steam from your shower is the reason why you have the door open, standing in just a bra and shorts as you wait for Steve to come home. Night had come a lot faster than you had planned, touching up your make-up in the half fogged mirror.

"Y/N," Steve calls with a soft thud of your apartment door.

"In the bedroom." Looking out the widnow to your left, you can slightly see the stars. "When did the rain come in?" You ask him as he walks into the bedroom, smiling when he turns around and stops to take in your body.

"It's not raining."

Your heart drops, and you push past him to go to the winodw, slamming it shut. You hadn't opened it.

"What?" Steve rushes to your side when you close the curtains. "Y/N, what?"

"I didn't open the window, and there was a flash earlier. I thought it was lightning." Explaining somehow made it worse, and you turn back to the window in fear. Someone was here, and you hadn't known. You always know. It's getting too familiar.

Nodding, he pulls you away from the window while grabbing a shirt from off the bed, pulling it over your head. He knows. Everything. You can feel things not very many people can, and this is getting worse, as if someone was changing it on purpose. Someone. He knows it's a person, but he is always too late when arriving, scared time will be up the next time.

"Stay here." Kissing your head, he walks out of the room, and then you hear the door shutting. It was gone, you knew that, but the pull on your gut was saying something else as you waited for Steve to come back, keeping your eyes on the window that was now shut and locked.

This is different.


Weeks have passed since the window, and it has gotten worse. Eith Steve taking less missions to be with you, it seems the person has gotten closer, especially when you go out. The flash has come up a few times, but only a night, now getting paranoid with everyone that stops to talk to you, even the team when visiting the Compound, who now know of the situation.

Tony offered to give you security, but you feel it will make it worse, knowing someone can hack into it and watch you even further. Sam was always one to pick you up from work when Steve couldn't, and Bucky and Natasha take you places, the spies trained to pick people out of crowd. Not finding anyone. Even though you could feel it. The constant stare.

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