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Request by emily298266

My first request! Just want you guys to know that requests are always open!

Warnings - Torture, super detailed torture, blood, bones breaking

Steve is confident, as he usually is. His strides are long and his shoulders are tall, walk straight as he watches you from next to him. You're just as sure as he is, walking as if you owned the place with two guns on your side, and feet heavy but light on the ground.

Hydra hadn't been as hidden as they thought they were when trying to hack into the security due to Jarvis's alert system, their code already being tracked down the minute they got into the frame of the tower. Fury assigned the two of you on this course to ready everyone else for the next one, already knowing this should not be a one man fight against these psychopaths.

In the last few months, Hydra has been making it clear a new project was being worked on, and Shield couldn't get the softwares in theirs once again, and Natasha could no longer break into any files hidden due to leaking everything about the now escaped Bucky Barnes - the Winter Soldier to the rest of the world - Steve Rogers' best friend to the team.

Missions are coming up shorter and the search is becoming longer as Hydra scatters, new leaders forming now that Peirce is dead and his second in command had been crushed by ninety floors of the SHIELD compound.

Going on this mission with Steve is just to keep him from losing himself in the fight. The sensitive subject of his still alive friend is what keeps his motivations high, and you feel as if one thing is said by any one of them about Bucky, he'll snap.

Accompanying your boyfriend on a mission with these extremes has been one of the firsts, and he can't help but not like seeing you so calm. His fingers are itching to get you back inside, keep you from harm, but he knows damn well you know what you're doing, maybe better than he does.

And as Captain, he wouldn't want to take one of the best performers out of the battle.

But fuck if he didn't let the boyfriend side of him want to control things for once while at work.

Steve sits down next to you and waits for the green light to start flying, his nerves only heightened. So many things could go wrong, people could be hurt to an extent. You could be hurt, maybe even worse by the time the mission is over, and he can't help but let that take over his mind, because what the hell is he supposed to think about now?

The calm side of him left the minute the two of you stepped aboard the jet, and his hand can't seem to stop shaking, even when directing a jet. He tries not to look at you from his periphal, but he can't control that much of him to not turn his head every few seconds, let a smile take over when he sees your bottom lip in your mouth as you look at the plans again and again.

There's this normalcy in it that calms him down, and he feels as if he has so much more power in his body as he watches you for another time, taking in how you don't even notice his staring.

Then you start asking him questions about a date next week, not even looking up as if you were reading a book and not a murder plan. His cheeks flush, and he can't even seem to get by that you're trying to distract him even more.

You knew the second he entered the jet he was on high planet. His hand had lead you to the cockpit before you could unload your things, and you're not blind. His hands aren't steady on the wheel, but you can trust he can fly without you bringing it up, because out of the two of you, he can control the situation better. Steve has all the power, and you are perfectly fine standing next to him with all the support.

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