Grumpy (7)

440 8 13

Warnings - Blood, talk of rape, torture, medical descriptions, overall just pain, blood, mental doubt, captivity mentions

Bucky is weak. His ribs ache, and he can barely keep his eyes open, but he watches the nurses do their job, not moving even when Sam tells him to sit down. He wants to watch their every move, because he lost all trust for every person on this jet. He doesn't know who he can rely on anymore — not that he did anyways.

They've gotten you stable, multiple IV's helping you get nourishments and flush out the serum, because it hadn't been in you long. It was killing you, that was certain, and Bucky feels a weight on his chest be lifted because they got you safe, and now he can rest.

Just for a moment.

He doesn't really understand what's happening anymore. His head fuzzes, and Sam's shouting as he relaxes on the floor, eyes fighting the lights of the jet and trying to focus on you. You can't see him like this. He was supposed to be strong for you, and now he was laying on the ground of the jet, weak, probably dying, and letting darkness cloud within him as the pain takes over.

Bucky had one job, and it was to keep you safe. He failed, by a long shot. There was nothing that was going to keep you from him, and Hydra found that weakness. They took his attention and put it on you for three days, not letting him focus on his surroundings. They got under his skin, dug deep and issued him no conscial awareness for anything else but you.


The sweet girl who came to him in the night because you were freezing. He can still feel the way you felt on top of him, the way you mumbled to him, sleep still encasing you. He remembers how cold you were, his hand pressed to your back in hopes of helping you. He remembers your desperate hold, how you stopped him from moving because you just needed him.

That was the first time Bucky ever felt wanted, and Hydra found their space to get in and get out. They placed their traps the moment he even stepped foot into the base with you. They got you right from the start, and he never even realized you were the target. They weren't going after him anymore.

They were going after what he wanted.

Bucky hasn't wanted anything until he met you. He hadn't wanted you in particular, but he wanted to stay by you. He wanted to be with you, maybe as a first friend that wasn't exactly forced upon him. He liked the way you pushed yourself onto him without being rude. You joked mercilessly, messing with him up and down, pressing buttons he hadn't known existed.

But he liked it.

You were gentle with him, but uncaring to the world around you because of it. You kept your ground, fought him as stubborn as you were, and he fell right into the trap. He cared about you more than he wanted to admit, and he's never wanted to protect something more. It was like being with Steve all over again, following around a little ball of fury everywhere you went, and he happily did so with no complaints.

Bucky hasn't been this happy in so long, and he realizes just how true he feels with you. You never judged him for anything, and over the three days he was stuck with you, he learned about your entire family, why you chose the Avengers over CIA, and how you got close to Steve.

It made him realize that he could have a life outside of his job. If your parents could do it, so could he. Right? He knows he's definitely not the right person to take control, but he knows someday he'll have to retire, and maybe he can have the loft he's always wanted, or find someone to match his dreams.

Maybe he can have you.

It was so distant now. Bucky doesn't know what he wants besides for you to live. He wants you to live the life you wanted. The cute dog you showed him pictures of, the few plants you need to get back to, the piece of cherry pie he has waiting back home for you. He needs you to eat it because he won't. He won't touch it knowing you never even got to see it.

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