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Warnings - bad medical description, but ultimate fluff for the complete angst chapter I just gave you guys

Alpine is Bucky's best friend. In the past two months of getting him, he hasn't once felt like he judged him. Even though he was just his emotional support kitten, Bucky treats him like more, even giving his extra bedroom to him to make him feel at home.

Hearing that a cat was on your floor you were extra cautious to lock your doors at night, not wanting to wake up with hives or not being able to breathe properly. The cat was adorable, but it was far too much of a health risk for you, especially since your heart is already stretching your life.

Your disease isn't much of anything fatal, but one wrong episode, and you could be down for awhile. Since you were a kid, you haven't had anything bad, not since you first found out about why your heart was so fast other than anyone else's.

Having a slightly smaller heart than what a person your age should have feel more of a flex than anything. Bruce always asks questions, and you're always up to his testing, wanting to find a cure to work on instead of his other things. Eventually, Tony got involved, not even realizing it was your blood he was working with until the DNA came up.

Tachycardia is easy to adjust to. Just a few pills in the morning and checking your heart rate if you felt it slightly pick up it's usually fast pace every now and then. When you work out with the team, you usually keep the monitor on you, letting Steve know that you needed to take a break before a heavy episode broke through.

Telling people about this was more on the fun side. They always got interested in the things you could and couldn't do, which wasn't much of a list. You got excited easily, which wasn't such a bad thing, but you normally just had to calm down before your heart got too too fast for normal.

With Alpine on your floor, sneezing become a regular after just a week. Your heart was stopping ever time, and eventually, you were moving off the floor, apologizing more than a few times when Bucky came in and you would have to leave.

Bucky was probably the best part of your day. He had a quiet side to him, but once he opened up, it was like nothing ever happened to him with Hydra. He was charming and had a great sense of humor that completely differed from yours.

But he truly understood what it was like to be just slightly different from everyone else. He had never really asked about your condition until you started talking about. He would always sense your heart was fast, and when he could, always found a reason to check in on you, even if it was just a few minutes before you were sneezing again.

It was obvious the two of you wanted to be together, but with Alpine, it was hard. Bucky was always covered in his hair, and you could only take so much before your heart was beating too fast and you were in med. Nothing ever worked out for the two of you, and it was taking a toll on the both of you.

Bucky was silently freaking out. Alpine was nowhere to be seen, and it's been a few hours. He normally let him roam around his quarters when he was gone, but when he got back, there wasn't a sign that he was there. He tried shaking the treats, even shouting in the halls to see if his bell collar would ring, but there was nothing.

This has happened enough times that Friday would immediately tell him where he is, but due to the remodeling of the compound, she was down, meaning he was having to search the entire building, room by room, to find his companion.

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