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He watched as you hit the wall, your head the first thing connecting to the concrete before the rest of your body, then it all crumbled to the ground. Unmoving. You had taken much worse hits than anything, and a hit to the head is what got you down.

She could be bleeding. Her brain could've popped a blood vessel. It could be the end her her. She's really hurt.

When you weren't up by the time he had gotten the rest of the agents down, he was next to you in an instant, his hand on his comm as he spoke quickly. Most of it was gibberish, but he was hoping Natasha or even Clint understood him when the words medic and agent down left his lips.

"Y/N, can you hear me?" He asks the second he gets to you, his hands lifting your head up for elevation. "Y/N, baby, come on." Your eyes barely flutter open from the blood covering them, and he lets relief flash through him before it's gone as quick as it come when he sees how dilated your pupils are. "Hey, just stay with me, honey. Guys, I need a medic now."

"My head," you mutter, and before he can stop you, your hand was wiping the blood off the large cut from the hit on the wall. "Steve-"

"I know, but you'll be okay," he assures and is grateful for the sight of his team coming into the now abandoned Hydra base. It just had to be when you were almost done, he kept thinking as he watches you get lifted onto a gurney, your mouth only spilling his name in fear as he follows behind.

He wasn't able to be there for you, though when he gets on the jet, having been pulled by a lower level nurse to check his own injuries as Cho and Banner bring you into a room.

"The worst that she can have is a severe concussion, Captain Rogers," she tries to assure him, her smile warm and voice gentle as she slowly pulls a bullet out of his arm. "She's still calling for you, if it makes you feel any better. I-I can hear her. She's scared."

"Can you do anything, Maya?" He asks, eyes not leaving the door when he hears a beep of a monitor that indicates you were getting a drip.

"I can see later," she whispers, finishing up with his arm. "If you would like, I can check up on her, see if visitors are allowed?"


And the young woman was walking away from him, his hopes high that she was correct and nothing was seriously wrong with you. He was also alone with his thoughts, which were screaming at him. If he had been the one, he would heal within a day, maximum of two. He would let you take care of him because he would be hurt, like you always were. But it was you, and brain injuries like this; undiagnosed, scares the living shit out of him because he doesn't know the severity of your condition, and he's not next to you to find out.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was standing next to the door of your room, watching as his and your friends helped make sure you were comfortable, even with your eyes closed. Blood was stained all around your face, even dripping from your nose. Bruce was wiping it quickly, his hand forceably opening your eyes to check with a flashlight.

"I want a heart monitor on her along with anything else that can alert us of any brain changes," he orders loudly, his eyes catching Steve's, and he shakes his head as a signal not to enter. "Excuse me," he says politely before walking around other nurses, even Maya as she takes his spot to wipe the blood off from above your lips, her hand secretly resting on your forehead to check your mind.

"How is she?" Steve asks the second Bruce is standing in front of him, his voice desperate and eyes more. "Please tell me she'll be okay. Something good." His hopes are low for less disappointment, but he still feels his heart drop when his friend shakes his head.

"To be honest with you, Steve, I don't know how serious her condition is," he starts, sighing when he finally looks into Steve's eyes to see the tears ready to fall. "We did a quick CT scan, and it came out clean, which is good. It could be a severe concussion, so we need to watch over her, make sure she's stable. She isn't supposed to be sleeping, so that's our first step. I'll send Maya out once she reads her. Go get rest, Cap, you need it." And he was leaving, patting his shoulder and walking back into the room with a broken Steve to catch his tears before anyone can see them.

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