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Warnings - angst if you squint

It's super long, but I promise it's nothing but fluff! Single dad!Bucky is really hitting with me at the moment, and I'm a huge kids lover

But you know I couldn't just leave you guys without any angst


Bucky couldn't stop panicking. There were too many people for him to really see where she had ran off to, and Wanda and Vision had already made their way down to the ice cream truck with Billy and Tommy.

A day at the park was what Steve had suggested, and now he was on the verge of tears as he ran around the sidewalk. Natalia was nowhere to be seen, and that was just terrifying him even more when the kids all blurred together as he went in another circle around the playground.

Phone in hand, he dials the quickest number he remembers before taking another look around, his breath shaking as he hesitates to talk to an operator. He was going to be judged hard for this. He lost his own daughter in a park, and now he was having to call the police because it's a new world, he had once been told, people take kids whenever they have the chance.

"Hi," he hears your voice from next to him, and he turns around quickly, looking you up and down before meeting your gaze. "Um-I think your daughter is with my dog, she's very entranced by her."

"Natalia?" Bucky looks over your shoulder in hopes he could see his toddler, but there are still too many noises that blind his eyes, the panic still washing over him in fresh waves. "You-You have Natalia? Whe-"

"Hey," you laugh gently and press a hand to his shoulder, "adorable little girl with red pigtails and loves to flip off the boys hogging the slide?" Bucky instantly feels the relief in his stomach when he hears the exact description of his four year old, nodding as he runs a hand through his hair. "She's with my guard dog, very sweet towards kids. Come on."

Instantly, Bucky follows you down the sidewalk to the open park where he sees his little girl running in a circle with a dog that's much bigger than her. He can already tell that the K-9 is trying to be gentle as it runs beside her, taking a little bit of space to let Natalia roam around.

"Daddy!" She screams happily before running over to attack his legs, giggling as the dog moves over to your side and lays down immediately. "Doggie! Doggie!"

"I see, Princess." He kisses her head gently as he lifts her up, placing her on his hip before turning to you. "Thank you so much. I was about to call the police, but I didn't want to make a scene, but she's also my kid-"

"Hey, I get it," you cut off his nervous rambling with a tap to his arm, smiling softly at him as your German Shepherd takes guard at your feet. "The world these days is crazy, it's why I got Roxy here. She's a sweet one, but the minute she sees a threat, she's not so sweet."

"Rocky!" Natalia squeals excitedly, squirming out of her father's hold until he lets her down. He watches as she rolls onto her stomach to lay right next to your dog, excitedly petting her. "Doggie, Daddy!"

"You were right." Bucky laughs as he sits next to her, placing her in his lap to wipe the dirt and grass off her legs and back. "She's very entranced by her." He can't help but pet Roxy as well, smiling at the response when she rolls over onto her stomach.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." With an arm outstretched, you help Bucky back to his feet and shake his hand, Natalia still giggling on the ground as Roxy runs around her. "She came up to me excited and asked to pet Rox. I didn't see no harm in it, but I noticed you running around in distress, figured this cute one was yours."

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