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Warnings - anxiety, blood, birthing things, hospital stuff, Nervous!Dad!Bucky x Reader

Just a whole bunch of fluff to help with the angst I'm about to give you guys


Bucky can't feel more nervous as he is proud as he waits for the beautiful moment his daughter finally comes into the world. Your hand clutches his, sweat beading down your face as you try your best to keep the pain from bothering you.

But, your husband was always one to know when something is wrong. Especially when it came down to you. He notices the first change in your grip. It becomes a little looser and looser before your fingers completely let go, body slightly going more and more limp as your cries start to quiet.

He doesn't look up until a few moments of listening to your fast beating heart. Your eyes have a hard time staying focused, and he reaches over to caress your face, already taking notice of the tears.

Bucky doesn't register the doctors yelling until two grab his arms and pull him out. He fights them as hard as he can, but in the end, he can only wait outside the door with panic. Steve is standing next to him, asking him what was going on, but in all, he couldn't even speak for himself.

You were on the other side, your child somewhere in the room without him. All of this pain and suffering was being done without him, and he feels his hands start to shake once he realizes he can't do anything about it. He's completely useless while you give him his entire world. He had promised you to be right there with you, and yet, here he is, standing on the opposite side of the door of the room you're currently in.

Just as he's about to feel nauseous, the door opens with doctors pushing him out of the way. You're being rolled out, eyes closed as the baby cries from somewhere in the room.

"Hey!" Bucky doesn't mean to shout, but it doesn't really matter. There's chatter and the baby crying and the wheels rolling you away to cover his anxious cry. "Where are you taking her?" Without another thought, he rushes down to follow them, not caring that the red line on the floor was getting closer and closer.

Bucky stops when a nurse hangs back, pushing on his chest just gently as the doors close with you behind them. She's speaking, but all he can hear is some form of muffled words as he tries to look through the tiny window that reveals more white halls.

"Where are you taking my wife?" He demands, trying to push past her, but Steve is next to him again, holding his shoulder. "Where's my baby? What's going on?!" Tears fill his eyes, hands shaking at his sides as he looks around.

A door opens to his side, and a nurse comes out with a baby swaddled in a light pink blanket. There's a smile on her face, and something in his chest waives out the panic when he realizes that this baby girl is his. Her nose scrunches as she yawns, and her hands fling up with a squeak.

"Your wife had some complications during delivery," the nurse next to him starts to speak again, voice still soft as she stands at a good distance. "Emergency surgery is needed to see what's happening. Your daughter is perfectly healthy, nothing wrong. I'll come back when we have word."

"What?" Bucky turns just as the nurse is leaving, Steve's hand the only thing keeping him from following her through the door. "What do you mean complications?" Spinning to the nurse holding his child, he feels like his chest is about to explode with the continuing air being sucked in and not released.

But with one look at the baby—his daughter — Bucky sees the many resemblances of you. Her hands, so small and extra smooth, and he's sure this baby girl has your eyes. He's hoping she has your eyes, because it will give him one more thing to love. Not that he won't love her less, but Bucky just loves your eyes the most.

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