Grumpy (5)

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Warnings - tension, angst, fluff (for once, ik) fighting, mission story that's boring af, blood, mentions of trauma, Bucky has a raging boner somewhere in here, guilty Bucky, torture, pissed off Bucky, sexual tension, nonconsensual experimentation mentioned

(I think that's it.)

This was definitely my favorite chapter to write because of the sexual tension. How can I leave Sunny and Grump alone in the middle of nowhere and not have any tension built up? exactly! I can't!

Anyways, enjoy this beautiful piece while I drop off the face of the Earth until my next post!

Oh! One last warning....

It's a cliffhanger!!


Bucky startles at the feeling of the blankets being moved around, his body more or less shifting as an unknown weight slowly moves beside him. He clearly sorts out the thoughts of violence when he hears the breathing he's come to adjust to, your teeth chattering just above silent as you shift before settling in his side.

He willingly lifts his arms up to allow you to move closer, hissing the moment his hand comes in contact with your skin. Bucky's eyes snap open to finally see you in the dark, your skin unnaturally pale as you try and get closer to him as you possibly can.

"Jesus, Doll," he whispers once he gets you underneath the blanket you'd brought with you, pulling you closer because you absolutely need his warmth. "Shit, Y/N, you're freezing."

"Warm," is all you reply with, sighing into his chest as you finally get your hands beneath his shirt. He flinches, trying his best not to move as you shiver next to him. "Cold, Bucky."

"I can feel that," he mumbles, smiling just a little before he presses a hand to your back, his own shiver running up his spine. "Fuck, Y/N, you're gonna get hypothermia. Let me start the fire, I'm sure it'll help you."

As Bucky gets up to move, you circle your arms around him, freezing skin touching his torso the only thing keeping him in place. "J—Just stay here. You're—You're really warm." Speaking through the hard core shivers and chattering teeth only made him want to protest more, but your grip had him relax, nodding as you laid down again. "Netherlands suck."

"Yeah, their weather contrasts ours," he explains, pulling the blankets up further as you finally begin to relax basically on top of him. "Try and stay still, alright? Just relax for me, I gotcha." His hand rubs your back atop the covers, trying his best to circulate blood as you continue to shiver, most likely asleep by now.

Having you crawl to him was what surprised him, because you went to him first, seeking him out in the darkness of the cabin instead of just starting the fire yourself. You took the chances of freezing to death just to lay with him, and he only wraps himself tighter around you, pulling you directly on his chest so you won't feel the uncomfortable couch beneath you.

Holding you like this gives him the advantage point to feel just how much the cold has gotten to you. Your feet are ice against his calves, body still trying to shiver, which is good. You're still trying to become warm despite the below degree weather eating at your skin.

Bucky appreciates you considering him as an option, one that was most likely an intrusive thought your sleepy mind chose. His body is much warmer due to the serum, and only after a few minutes does he feel the change in temperature. He's much warmer now, comfortable, as he lays as still as possible on the now better couch.

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