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Chris Evans with kids 😩

Anyways, you have a kid and hubby issues

Warnings - Abuse, blood, language

You were struggling. Your arms hurt from all the weight of Opals room, but you needed her distracted enough until you could get everything else inside before she ran off. You had already met Wanda, her husband having helped grab the bed parts and set it up for you before going to work with a kind smile.

"Need any help?"

The new voice had you jumping, your head hitting the top part of the U-Haul you had stole from him while he was away. It was deep, so male. And your flight of fight response kicked in, just like early this morning.

You were going to decline his offer, but the sound of your daughter screaming had your attention elsewhere, your hand dropping the wooden table and legs taking you inside to leave the stranger in your driveway as your kid cried from somewhere in your new home

"Opal? Honey, where are you?" You shouted, trying the room she had picked out, but it was empty with papers sprawled across the floor and crayons laying stop of them with filled in pictures. "Opal?"

"Mommy!" Your eyes caught her at the end of the stairwell in the kitchen, blood dripping down her arm and her tears flowing down her cheeks like rivers.

"Honey, what happened?" You ask once you get down to her, your hands covering the large cut on her bicep while you look around for something better. "You were supposed to be in your room, Sunny."

"The door was open," she sniffles out, her head whipping around to the door behind her with stairs behind it. "I wanted to look around. I didn't know.'

"I know, love," you whisper and kiss her forehead, gently tugging her up so she can stand. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" As your eyes take in her small body, she shakes her head and moves with you, her arm limp and bruising quickly. "Let's get this cleaned up and we can ice it, how does that sound? If it still looks like this tonight, I'll have to take you in."

And you were working on getting your house together again, Opal sitting in the garage as you grabbed things out of the truck, your mind too focused on her arm to even notice the man coming your way. When arms wrapped around your legs, your looked down to see your daughter attached to you with a fear expressed look, your hands landing on her head and eyes finally meeting blue iris' and six foot something body.

"You must be the new neighbor," he says politely, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his khakis and body relaxed, almost calming if your daughter wasn't squeezing your thigh for dear life. You know she would need help eventually, even you.

"That I am." Trying to hide your own fear, you swipe your hand down the blonde strands of hair slightly tangled on Opals head to try and calm her as well as yourself. "You must be James? Wanda said you lived next to me." Your hand somehow moves to in front of you, slightly offering a silent peace.

"Steve, actually," he corrects, and is kind about it, his smile soft and somehow consulting. "James is my roommate."

"I'm sorry, it's been a long morning," you chuckle, and slightly step back when Opal pulls on your leg harder to get away.

"No worries." If you weren't so scared to be around him, you would've taken in his kinda nature, but you were on alert for any car that passes by, or person who stares too long down the street. "Who's the little one?" He bends down to Opal and asks, obviously having seen the two of you flinch, or found your reaction to him as enough to keep a distance.

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