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Warnings - mentions of Rape, trauma, PTSD, trust issues, abuse, very protective Steve lol


Trust. That's what he had said to you when you first went out on the date. He said you could trust him, that he wasn't like most of the other serial killers that use dating sites to get their next victims. You even laughed with him, claimed that you were thinking that and told him you weren't either.

You did trust him. Dating him was like living every girls dream. Natasha was your newly found friend from the coffee shop. She had told you that everything was going great with her friend that needed a place to stay, that he had been looking for places for months but couldn't find anything affordable because it was the new century for him.

The two of you were getting close to best friends, where you told each other everything. Her relationship with the man she has been seeing was starting to incline, and you started to talk about your own boyfriend, even bringing him up to meet her on your break.

After time, your dream started dying. The first hit sent you into shock, and you had called in that day, too scared to leave the apartment. Natasha had stopped by, obviously worried when your manager told her that you sounded scared on the phone and she was even worried about you.

Telling her wasn't an option, so you lied the first few times after it happened again and again. You tried to fight back every second of it until you just couldn't. You couldn't move after each hit, and you were scared. Natasha was getting suspicious, and he was getting harder every time you begged for your life.

It wasn't until you threatened to call the cops that he held you to the bed, told you to shut your mouth and let him do what he wants that you finally told someone. Natasha.

She had been on her way over anyways, and all you had to do was scream for help for her to kick down the door. But it had already happened. He was finished with you, and you couldn't even move from the bed once police had come in and dragged him out of the apartment.

Since, you try and keep to yourself. You got rid of the bed and found a smaller one, hoping it would keep away the nightmares if you had no room, but it only seemed to make them worse. Natasha made sure to check in everyday, especially after the few court dates where you pressed charges and wanned a restraining order after his prison sentence.

That was two years ago, and nothing has changed. You and Natasha have only gotten closer, small get togethers at your apartment that end up with karaoke with the neighbors after a few glasses of wine, and then a few morning jogs with her teaching you self defense after.

That was when you offered your apartment for Steve, her friend who still hasn't had luck finding one. Your rent wasn't super cheap by yourself, and if she keeps talking about him like she did, you could trust he was able to pay the other half every month if he wanted to move in.

The door opens as you slowly wake up, and you immediately reach for the knife on your nightstand, moving through the dark room until you're standing behind the door. In seconds, it's opening and you're holding the intruder in a headlock, only to be thrown on the floor with Nat standing over you.

You release the knife the minute you see her face, panting in relief as she just smiles from above you. You don't even notice the feet at the doorway, light blue eyes watching as you catch your breath with a hand over your heart.

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