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Warnings - blood, panic attack, violence, language, mentions of sex, gore, description of injuries, mentions of torture, PTSD, dad!Bucky, overall fluff, angst if you squint


Bucky couldn't leave you there. As much as he didn't remember you, he remembers the affect you have on his mind as he enters your cell. He hadn't even realized he went off path until he was looking at you, watching as you breathed.

The solider in him had reminded him that you were important, and he was convinced enough to alert the team they had to leave due to a hostage. Not that he didn't want to finish, but Bucky wanted to get you out of here, make sure you were alright from when he left.

It had to have been years ago, when you were still learning your words when he escaped Hydra with Steve. He remembers the little ghost in his head that repeated everything he said, even if it was words he sort of knew children like you weren't supposed to know.

A single word slipped from your mouth that was muffled in his chest, and he just knew that he needed to get you back to the compound. There wasn't much instinct Bucky had when it came to hostages. This wasn't the first time he's come across a child.

But this base was everything to him.

He passes his old cell that brings back the worst memories to him, and your weight in his arms just holds something deep in his chest that makes him cold. Something in him wants to scratch the surface, but his own mind keeps that feeling at bay for just a little longer, the crackle of everyone's comm enough to know he can't dig at the moment.

Bucky reaches the doors and rushes through them as Steve falls in step. There's a single look given from each, and that's all the Captain needs to know that questions needed to be asked later. You were clinging onto Bucky weakly, looking up at him with exhausted eyes as he got you closer and closer to the jet of safety.

He can't help but look down at you and see that same blurry smile in his head he's been seeing for weeks in his dreams. Something was coming back to him, something old and aged.

"We need to go." Steve's voice breaks the line of vision that was clouding Bucky, and he steps forward to head straight to Cho and the med staff. "We got a kid, no younger than nine."

"She's eight," Bucky corrects him. His own voice scares him, but he doesn't look away from you, the pit going silent as everyone starts to relax. "She's eight. I trained with her when this was the primary base."

"Memory does run from you," you whisper tiredly, wincing when one of the doctors presses down on your stomach. "Watch it, bitch-hole."

"Woah, kid," Steve raises his eyebrows and says. "Sure she's that young, Buck?"

"Don't make me beat you, fuckface." Through the small banter, Bucky smiles, oddly enough. He has a feeling this is a normal thing for you, even as you hold back tears and squirm on the table. "It'll be after I take a small nap, but I'll surely fuck you up."

"Nothing has changed." The small, bittersweet pain in his head gives him that reminder that you had been like this in your younger years. Foul language and tough exterior, but something deep in him knows that you can be sweet. He just has to find it. "I think I've missed you, Y/N."

"You think?" Despite having heavy eyes, he can hear the joking manner in your voice as the doctor smiles above you, filling your IV with pain killer. "What'd they do to you since you've been gone? Erase me again? Fuckers."

Bucky kneels beside your cot and swipes back your hair, happy to see you're still trying to talk to him. As much as he wants to, he knows you need to rest. Surgery is being thrown in the air by a few nurses, and he can hear just how bad your breathing is, your lungs severely damaged. It's nothing too surprising, though.

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