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Another request by Soldier15MS
I really like this idea and thought about it a long time ago, just didn't have so much detail as they had done, so thank you!

If you guys want to request, you can always DM me or Comment on any of my posts! I'm open to anything, just make sure there's clear detail in what you would like.

I haven't posted in awhile because school is really kicking me, but I'm editing as much as I can.

Warnings - kidnapping, injury description, rage fueled Bucky (that's a whole warning), scary Bucky, Dad!Bucky, angst, angst, angst, and more angst

Lots of angst if you hadn't noticed. I'm not sure you did, but there's lots of angst, guys.


Bucky was smiling the whole drive to Max's home. He could hear your sweet cooes from the driver seat, and even see your face every time he looked back in the rearview mirror. The mirror Natasha had placed on your car seat allowed him to see your bright smile as you reached for your feet, a game of peek-a-boo having been started due to how much he meets your gaze.

His wife was smiling right next to him, readying the go bag with all your clothes as she smiled. He happily placed a hand on her thigh whenever he had the chance, taking every opportunity to feel her below him as he listened to your adorable giggles.

Watching and listening to you was a dream come true. Bucky wanted this life for years, and now he was holding it right in the palm of his hands. His ears could pick up your tiny heartbeat, stong and healthy in his ears as he looked over at Natasha, smiling even wider when he saw just how beautiful she looked.

As much as he hated leaving you, he used it as motivation to work more efficiently. The longer he took, the left time he had with you. You slowly took over his thoughts over the past couple of months, and he didn't find himself complaining with every chance he got to see that just as beautiful smile he swears he can never forget.

Bucky has taken being a father seriously. He gets to watch you take your first step and even learn a few words as your teeth come in. He hasn't missed very many milestones, which he is very proud of, and hearing you squeal at him anytime he walks into a room makes his life so much lighter.

Hydra had drained him of any happiness he could've ever had before War. His parents were slowly growing towards retirement, and then he was deployed and then perceived as dead while they shuffled his mind. He was forced to kill and do whatever they wanted him to just so he couldn't have freedom.

It wasn't until he was in Wakanda that he had formally met Natasha. He remembered the years of training that he had done with her before he was sneaking off, and then he was the soldier again, forced to forget about the love he hadn't even known was real.

Bucky was always one to love hard. He saw Natasha again and every feeling he ever had for her came rushing back. He couldn't keep his hands off. The drive for a life he's always wanted being the reason he is where is now. You're giving him the best laugh in the world as he looks at the ring shine on her finger, palm in her palm as he drives you to your safehouse for the next few days.

Max was the most trusted agent he has ever worked with. His works in therapy had gotten him to leave you here for every mission he's called to. You've even started going to him over everyone else, crawling your way to the elderly man that would lay into anyone the minute you were put in danger.

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