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Ever since he found you, he couldn't lose you. You were his, and no one was changing that. Did he know your mother? No, but he didn't care. You needed help, and he was the person who was going to give it to you. After finding you in a box on the street, he brought you to the tower and went straight to Bruce, wanting him to personally check you up. When he found out you were healthy, he kept you, having Nats help taking care of you.

Four Months Later

Dreams were always the source of Bucky's late night walks. And your slight fussing when he would get up to go to the bathroom. If he didn't move, you were okay, like you sensed he was still there. Oddly enough, he felt relieved that someone wanted him, even if they didn't have the right thoughts to say so.

As always, he sat up from the bed, sweat covering him head to toe as his chest heaved up and down from his rapidly beating heart. Yet, you were still asleep- laying in your crib, quiet as always. Your hands were grabbing at your feet, and you rocking on your side, a smile on your face when he peaked over the edge to see if you were awake. "Hi, princess," he cooed, standing from the bed and reaching in to pick you up. "And what are you doing up?" You did a cute giggle that made him smile, feeling as if nothing could go wrong if you were in his arms. And the women next to him was sleeping by his side.

He turned around to see Natasha was still asleep, her arms tucked under her head as her chest rose and fell softly. "Look at mommy, sleeping peacefully while you're still up and playing," he pointed out to you, making you giggle again as you grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Come on, we're gonna take a walk, see if we can tire you out." Switching the position so you were laying in his arms, he stepped out of the room quietly to not wake his sleeping fiancé.

Like everytime, Bucky found himself bringing to the kitchen, your back resting in the crook of his elbow as he opened the fridge for something to eat. Your hands were reaching out for him, which is something he found adorable, so he leaned up and out his metal finger in your view, watching as you grabbed it and held onto it. Everything that said scary about him melted away once you were with him, and he didn't mind one bit, as long as you were in his eye sight.

After a few minutes of looking around for something to eat, he went over and set you down in the rocking cradle, hoping you would be okay for just a few minutes while he made food. Yet, you didn't. The second he started walking away, you started crying, tears filling your eyes to show you were actually scared. Quickly, he rushed over and knelt beside you, rocking you slightly to call you. "Shh, shh, shh, I'm right here, I'm right here," he whispered, reaching his other hand out to wipe your fallen tears. He hated when you cried, especially when he was the one who caused it.

Knowing you weren't going to let him leave, he moved the cradle into the kitchen, next to the stove so you could watch as he cooked. When he knew you weren't looking, he reached over to the fridge to grab a yogurt stick, cutting it open and feeding it to you as he waited for the omlet to cook. You smiled at the snack, and tried to grab it, squeezing it all over yourself. Even through the mess, he smiled and stood up, reaching over for a rag. "Just like your mom, messy with your food," he commented as he wiped your face, playing with you a little by playing peek a boo. Your giggles and laughs were music to his ears, and the smile on your face made everything so much better, melting all the bad away like it never existed.

Throwing the trash away, he stood back up and continued to make his food, which was also for Natasha. She had a late night the day before, and he wanted to do something for her. It was before seven, so she had a few hours before they had to split again, but that didn't mean he was going to let it go to waste. It was his day off, which meant you got to see him all day. Which was heaven for the rest of the compound who didn't have to watch over. Not that you were a bad kid, you just hated seeing him leave, making him feel much more worse about leaving you with his friends. The only other person that could calm you was Sam, and he hated to admit it. It just gave him one more thing to brag about, and it was more than annoying.

By the time he finished with the eggs, you were fast asleep, your head to the side as a sleepy smile was tugged on your lips. Even when asleep you were smiling around him, something that made him relieved that you didn't care about anything. Even though you were only one, he felt that your thoughts mattered to him, and it proved that you would be someone that'd change the world when you were older, even with everyone's differences.

Having the ability to move, Bucky got some fruit from the first and put it on a plate, then put the omlet he made for Natasha on the side, bringing a cup of cheese with him. Being quick, he set it on the dresser and rushed back out to grab you, lifting you gently to not wake you and bring you back to the room. When he opens the door, the light was on, and Nat was sitting up in the bed, a smile on her face. "Morning, Ninja," she greeted, a yawn playing at the end of her sentence.

"Morning, Doll," he smiled and walked over, kissing her forehead then going down for her lips, not questioning why she was awake. He knew she was, even if he didn't check. "I made breakfast."

"I can smell it. Omlets?" She guessed, reaching her arms out to take you. The second you left his arm, you sitrred and moved around, looking for him. She smiled down at you when you finally made eye contact with her, your movements ceasing and your eyes falling back closed. "She really attached herself to you," she said to Bucky, looking up at him as he brought the plates of food over.

"I know," he agreed, setting her plate on her lap with his next to it so be could and put you back in the crib. He waited a minute before turning around, sitting down and kissing her cheek. "I'm glad, though, makes me feel like there's hope in the world."

Even through the cryptic message, she understood what he meant. Someone loved him for who he was now. "Bucky," she warned, shifting to look at him with knowing eyes.


"Don't do that," she argued, grabbing his hand to make him focus on her instead of picking at the fruit on the plate. "Don't make it seem like y/n is the only person who loves you. I love you, even through everything. That baby right there isn't the only person who does. Yes you've changed since she's been here, but that doesn't make you different. You're different because you're away from Hydra, away from the people who changed you in the first place. Breathe, take a moment to just relax, feel relieved that you're here and with people who actually care about you, not your body. You deserve that, you deserve this."

The speech brought tears to his eyes as he listened, feeling like everything he was feeling disappeared the second she caught onto him. Reality hit him, and he didn't need to hide anymore now that someone else knew. Relief spread through him now that he didn't have to think about it anymore, because it wasn't true. He didn't have to let the thoughts consume him and only one person drown them out. You.

Seeing his expression, she pulled him to her with her arms around his neck, kissing his temple on the way as he let out a silent sob. "It's okay to relax, feel safe, Buck," she whispered to him, telling him exactly what he's been wanting to hear for years. The truth.

After what seemed like an eternity to him of crying, he just held her, taking in his feelings as he thought positively instead of everything else. You were asleep for once, he had someone next to him that actually cared, and he was relieved of constant chains around his ankles that kept dragging him down. He had his comfort and his breaking point. Something to ground himself if he ever went over the edge. The girl in his arms, and the baby in the crib, finally getting sleep after watching over him like you had known how he was feeling. You gave him relief, and he just now realized it.

Pulling away from Nat, he turned around and stood from the bed, having the sense that someone was watching him. As always, you were playing with your feet and smiling, your mouth wide open as drool dripped down your chin and your body rocked back and forth. "Hi Princess," he smiled and reached in for you, resting you on his hip as he turned back around to sit on the bed. The smile on his fiancé's face made him feel more lighthearted as he sat down with you in his lap, and started to eat, giving you small bites of his egg as he watched the love of his life beam with happiness at the new family she had, and the one about to be started within a few weeks. This was his relief.

Word Count - 1696

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