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Warnings - mentions of stalking, blood, hostage-y, violence, hospital things

Cop!Steve x Reader

There wasn't much to being a cops girlfriend. The long hours of waiting to see him, hearing the shootouts all throughout the city, even the state, and even the dangers of knowing Steve could be the next picture on the memorial wall. But it doesn't change the fact that you love him to death, even with his crazy work hours and even crazier coworkers who you've come to adore.

You've gotten used to him being called in, especially on nights where bars are open later, gangs are at their peak for crime, and the holidays seem to make nutjobs come out from hibernation. Steve wasn't fond of staying late, or hell, the three days he's works in a row with just six hours of sleep, but he does it to keep you safe.

Steve loves his job. He loves to know you can go to bed with barely any worry. It's what he's come to terms with despite the many scars on his body from bullets, knives, and whatever the hell suspects like to use nowadays. It was all part of the job.

It was his life.

Generations of Rogers came from that police station, single handedly putting away criminal after criminal to protect the lives of the innocent. His father was chief, his mother detective, and even Bucky, his own partner in crime running up for a position he knew he couldn't take. Steve's life was here, and now, he had a real home to go to because of you.

It's only been a couple hours since he left, and you're already walking inside, getting greeted by Sam and Bucky as they walk up. Smiles plaster on their faces when they see the brown bag most likely containing the dinner you were supposed to share with your long term boyfriend.

"Hey, Mama's," Sam greets happily, taking the bag from your hand as Bucky rolls his eyes and pushes him back, not helping himself as he peers inside as well. "Oh baby, you got the pies," he mutters, reaching in to grab the one with his name on it.

"Figured you'd be hungry as well." Laughing at his dramatics, you reach inside and grab the one you'd placed on top for Bucky, handing over the still warm pastry. "Steve told me you guys hadn't been able to go home yet either, so I thought I'd be the savior you didn't know you needed."

"Get this woman a badge!" Sam hollers, gaining the attention of Wanda and Clint, who peak their head up from their desk to smile at you. "And find Rogers, we got a code Wife! He needs to bag this lady up!"

Bucky slaps his arm and rolls his eyes more, but he doesn't hide his amusement as your cheeks dust, body slowly curling in. "Would you shut the hell up man? People are actually working."

"I heard my name." You spin around at the voice of the man you came here for, smiling as he looks you up and down. The bags underneath his eyes only give away he might be hallucinating, his hand reaching out for you instinctively. "Hey, Pea, what brings you here? Wilson, report, now."

"Aye Aye, Captain." Mocking a salute, Sam kisses the back of your head before he flicks the ponytail resting on your neck, winking at Steve before he walks away to his desk. There's more commotion you don't pay attention to as Bucky moves to your side, his own deal made with your lover as a hand moves to your back.


"I brought you food, and from the looks of it, you need to eat something." His hand breaches your wrist, and you're pulled to him in seconds, fingers dusting away the crumbs Sam had left behind. He's more amused than anything, leaning down to give you a kiss before he shoots Bucky an appreciative expression. "And I wanted to see you after I closed down shop. Cops can't help people if they're dropping like flies from starvation."

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