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Things were going wrong in the tower when you started dating Steve, ultimately thinking it was your fault. Your quiet personality and good morals pushed Steve to assure you it wasn't. Now, you were trying to figure out who is trying to kill you.

The first attempt could be counted as an accident, if it wasn't for the threats left on note cards. You walked into the explosion room after the alarm went off, finding a lot of the ammo missing. Steve walked in behind you, getting there just in time to cover you from the ticking bomb you were only a few feet away from.

After that, Steve stayed with you for awhile, scared it would happen again. You trained the other agents, and he studied in the corner. He was everywhere you were, never leaving your sight for weeks.

The second attempt was at your apartment. Steve had just started leaving you alone when your apartment caught on fire. It's needless to say you barely made it out alive if it wasn't for your neighbor. Being an agent herself at S.H.I.E.L.D., she was put on your protection by Fury's order. A piece of the ceiling fell on your stomach, being stuck underneath it as the flame was growing around you.

That's where you were now. Everyone was putting it together that something was happening, and an investigation went out for everyone. Bruce made you stay in bed for two days before letting you go. With Steve, who was on a mission when he got the call you were in the medical wing.

He ran into the room as you were sitting up, having to finish the task before coming back. "I leave you for two days, and you go and almost die on me?" He commented as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, forgetting you had crushed and bruised ribs.

"Be careful, Cap, her entire abdomen is weak," Bruce warned softly, tapping Steve's shoulder to get his attention.

His arms immediately left your body, and he leaned down to your eye level. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here, I-I probably could've prevented it, but-"

"Steve," you spoke for the first time since he's been here, "stop that. No one could've known it was gonna happen. Besides, if it wasn't for Agent Hill, I'd probably be a chunk of coal right now." Your voice was a little raspy from everything you inhaled from being around the smoke for so long. Bruce was pumping you full of fluids to try and get you hydrated again.

Steve only noticed the tired in your eyes, wiping his thumb over your cheek to get some of the left over soot off your skin. Even through your pain, your lips cracked a smile. "I know, I just hate that you're going through this without a reason." He sighed and put his forehead on your own, moving up to place a kiss on it as he moved up to rest his chin on your head. He felt slight relief when your arms wrapped around his torso weakly, looking over at Bruce. "Is she clear?"

"Yup. Make sure she doesn't move around. Tony got clear orders from director saying no training for at least two weeks," Bruce confirmed, walking over from the counter to give him a bottle. "Have her take those before any sleep, it'll help her relax." Steve nodded and looked down at you, seeing you were already passed out on his chest. The grip you had around him was looser, and your breath was light as a feather. Peaceful.

With a goodbye to Bruce, he lifted you up carefully, and brought you upstairs to his room. He would've taken you to his place, but it was late at night, and he wanted you to be comfortable for a few days. You woke up when he placed you on the mattress, groaning at the sharp pain in your side. "Shh, it's okay, go back to sleep," he cooed, wiping hair off your cheek and placing it behind your ear. In the darkly lit room, he saw your head shake, kneeling down beside the bed when you started to sit up a little. "Bruce said you need to get a lot of rest, especially now that you can."

"I want to shower," you protested tiredly, moving his hand off your side to get off the bed. "I'm covered in dirt and blood and smell like smoke." Steve nodded and helped you sit up, being careful with where he placed his hands.

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