twenty-six:﹙the second look﹚

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the second look.

"contains; enslavement, violence,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; enslavement, violence,"
—no need to proceed with caution

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"He must have been hitten badly," Leah finished putting the boxes inside of the truck to be taken to the charity house. "You're happy with him? Even though he lied to you" 

Humming, she had told Leah that she had to check on Matt later cause of him being hit by a car. Silently taking out a jar of sugar to make her own coffee with, "he's good for me," Y/n pointed out; trying to convince herself. "He's gotten more honest," She tilted her head a little leaning on the counter. 

"Is he?" Leah questioned just making sure that Matt was good for her. "You know Im just thinking about our past life trauma with you and men older than you" 

With a chuckle to her lips, she shook her head. Matt was only four years older than her. "No doubt" She confirmed knowing the two surely knew each other in a different life that they had. 

The night was slowly going down with not many people in the bakery tonight. Her smile disappeared when her burner phone rang knowing it was Matt, she sighed brushing off her hand and grabbing it from her apron. 

Leah's mood obviously changed as she went silent turning to the fruits in the box. "Hey," she answered rubbing her forehead with her phone to her ear. "I thought today was your day off?" 

"It is," Matt's voice on the other end of the phone confirmed, "We have to go, meet me in the alleyway of 51st,"

"Yeah, I was going to erm help Leah with the charity event really quick" Y/n came up with, trying to stay with her friend for a little longer not wanting her to think she was trading her in for Matt.

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