ten: ﹙when the snake guides﹚

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when the snake guides

"contains; murder-,"— proceed with caution

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"contains; murder-,"
— proceed with caution

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Karen went back to the office, with Y/n staying at the bakery for a little while planning out new things for the bakery. On a piece of paper, she scribbled down recipes while standing at the front. 

The news about Grotto still playing on the small television quietly; trying to block it out since the remote had gone missing. 

Her pen scribbled down on the paper, neatly; before hearing the bell ringing in her ears. Lifting her head up a bit to see who was walking through it door, it was Eden. 

She had her braided hair up, holding itself; with a floral-type outfit on, one to keep her comfortable. The woman watched Y/n, almost freezing in place once getting a glimpse of her inside her own bakery. 

"Eden, hey; you're just in time" Y/n stopped what she was doing folding the paper and placing it down on the counter, for reference. 

But what she didn't notice was half of the recipes were just cooking ones meaning something was going on in her mind that she was cooking about it and not baking.

"I thought you were going to be out for the rest of the week?" 

Humming, and shaking her head; still, remember that encounter the two had outside of their apartment complexes. "Well, plans change" Y/n causally noted, "But I'm about to head over to Nelson and Murdock's, Maybe I should stay?" 

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