nine: ﹙gods sins the women﹚

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gods sins the women

"contains; nothing-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; nothing-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

Y/n rubbed her skin in the shower, almost taking it off of her body; she swore it started to pulse cause of the pressure she was putting on it

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Y/n rubbed her skin in the shower, almost taking it off of her body; she swore it started to pulse cause of the pressure she was putting on it. She and Matt haven't talked about the Grotto thing since it happened, neither of them wanting to speak about it.

The sun shined in Hell's Kitchen once again, with the blinds in Matt's apartment being closed. Y/n had sat in his bed naked, with the blanket covering up her body; even though he couldn't see her she wanted some privacy.

After coming back to Matt's apartment around three in the morning; the two finished the night off with rough and passionate sex from the shower to bed. It was mostly about Matt still trying to prove he trusts her, and loving her feeling as if they restarted in the process with Y/n and no killing.

"I would kill for you," She panted on top of him, grinding her hips and causing Matt to moan tilting his head back; his rough hands between her legs, touching her pussy hard as she ride him.

"I'll finish the job," Matt moaned into her mouth.

She instantly held onto his arms and back, as if her life depended on it; being turned on more by the idea, as if he was helping her to go through it. Y/n felt his dick go deeper- his tip was now inside her and another half of his shaft was still waiting for her pussy to accommodate it.

Watched as Matt, shirtless with his boxers on, honestly thankful for the man she had by her side all the time, unbelievable the way she had him to herself; grabbed a blazer feeling the tags on them; and turned to Y/n.

Placing the blazer on the bed, a sigh came from her lips; before it lead on with a chuckle. With creased eyebrows, Matt tilted his head her way confused. "I have to tell you something," She confessed.

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