fourteen:﹙short lived﹚

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short lived

"contains; none"— do not proceed with caution

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"contains; none"
— do not proceed with caution

"contains; none"— do not proceed with caution

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Without a single question, they scooped up Fisk, taking advantage of Dex's absence as he went to retrieve Ray. 

Y/N, her phone confiscated by Dex, found herself confined within the confines of the somber black car, donned in her NightAngel attire. As she sat there, her gaze fixated on the back of the seat, her leg involuntarily tapped, a manifestation of the jitters coursing through her veins, clueless about their ultimate destination.

Yet amidst the uncertainty, one certainty persisted—Matt was the crucial piece of their intricate scheme. Deep within her being, a conflicting mixture of desire and resentment stirred. 

Part of her yearned for his demise, an emotional response to the immense suffering he had inflicted upon her. The smoldering remnants of anger fueled her intentions, but she was aware that it was a transient surge, born out of the raw aftermath of pain.

After roughly ten minutes had passed, the distinct sound of footsteps reverberated through the garage, prompting Y/n to instinctively turn her head to the side. 

Swiftly, she pulled up her white mask, obscuring her visage from view. 

A wash of red and blue lights illuminated her features, preventing her from directly observing Fisk's movements as he strolled around the vehicle, eventually settling into the passenger seat.

The car doors swung open, allowing Fisk, Ray, and Dex to clamber inside, their presence enveloping the confined space. Y/n, now pressed against the edge, observed with a watchful gaze as Fisk maintained a discreet vigilance over her, his attention intermittently flickering her way.

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