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"contains: blood"- proceed with caution

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"contains: blood"
- proceed with caution. 


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If you do not, I will know you are one of them. 
The United States government has become tyrannical force...
Using its power to persecute teachers and citizens...
trying them in a court like criminals,
For seeking to defend themselves as the Constitution allows.
They wanna take away our guns and our freedom, and then we will be unable to defend ourselves. 

"I have acted in defence of our liberty and identity. Just the same as you once did." Y/n read up, she and Leah had sat at their kitchen island. She wasn't going to tell Leah about the note but Leah was the one who opened it first. "I have acted for all of us, to do what is right." 

Leah had her hand over her mouth a little taking everything in. "So that guy on TV that did that bombing, this is him," Y/n went silent just staring down at the letter, looking around her house she felt as if she was being watched now. "Y/n, what have you been doing-" 

"No-Nothing" Y/n shook her head, staying silent though. 

"So we're being stalked right now is what you are telling me" Leah tried to continue to put this into more things. "And all this insane conspiracy shit is just coming from the corners of the world, about this bombing...and you're telling me you're not going out and doing this nightangel shit" 

Y/n went silent turning her head to look the way of Leah and did as she felt her heart racing. Every time she wanted something normal, it was just always going to be turned around into something that it wasn't. 

"Nightangel" Y/n simply said, "I need to talk to Karen" 

Grabbing the letter from the island table, Y/n hand made her way towards the door before Leah's voice echoed through her ears. "Matt' dead, I thought by moving here with you all this would go down" 

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