eight:﹙silent blow﹚

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silent blow

"contains; death?,"— proceed with caution

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"contains; death?,"
— proceed with caution

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Three silent hours...

Until it was empty in the area they were in, Karen was talking to one of Jessica's friends along with the women from the talk show; Y/n thought she would have been more narcissistic but she came across as nicer than a fake face. 

The light had still been turned off, with they using a light generator. Karen had turned back to the work she had been doing, with Trish walking over to spark a conversation with Y/n. "I didn't know it was this bad," 

"Yeah, well....Hell's Kitchen yknow" Y/n leaned up looking at everything that the hand had done to Hell's Kitchen. Trish nodded crossing her arms and looking towards Karen finishing her work. "I was in half of those," 

Looking over to Y/n, with worry, "I'm glad you okay" Trish had put forth. 

With that, the lights flickered once more but this time fully turned on, the room righting up causing Y/n to narrow her eyes getting us to the light. "Yea" Y/n nodded to Trish's comment looking over at Karen. 

"At my radio station, I tried to float  that the earthquake was a cover-up for something else." Trish reminded Y/n, "I have shut down right away," The blonde woman had pointed out. Y/n nodded her head remembering this. 

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