twelve:﹙envy, greed, lust﹚

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envy, greed, lust

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"contains; smut"
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Inside her residence, Y/n meticulously secured all the doors, ensuring they were fully locked. Recognizing the vulnerability of her home's surveillance system to potential hacking by Fisk, she took the precautionary step of disabling all the cameras. 

Since her encounter with Fisk, a sense of paranoia had consumed her, particularly regarding Leah's safety in the undisclosed safe house. Unaware of Y/n's meeting with Fisk, she remained oblivious to the underlying reasons for Y/n's heightened vigilance.

After cleansing her body with meticulous scrubbing that made her skin tingle, Y/n proceeded to the kitchen. There, she reheated leftovers in the microwave, patiently awaiting the completion of the process. 

Just as the microwave emitted its final beep, Y/n swiftly turned around, grasped the handle, and opened the appliance, retrieving her food and placing it on the kitchen island. However, something caused her to pause abruptly, freezing her movements entirely.

The man wearing all black and a matching cloth covering his head was standing in her living room. Staring over at Matt not knowing why he was there or how did he even find where she moved. 

His jaw was clenched as he was holding something inside of his hands. "You have to be serious" He threw down the brail book onto the counter. "What do you know? Y/n- And don't tell me nothing" He jolted his head a little showing her that he was listening to the beating of her heart. 

Leaning on her island with her hands on both sides of it. "What do you know, Matthew?" She called out taunting him. He knew that her voice was filled with taunts. 

Silence filled the air between the two of them as he quietly removed his face covering to reveal blood on his forehead and coming from his nose. A scoff came out of her mouth shaking her head and turning to the food she had finished. 

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