six:﹙me n the devil﹚

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CHAPTER         SIX !
me n the devil

"contains; none"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; none"
—no need to proceed with caution

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Within the dimly lit confines of a nurse's room in the prison, Matt stood tall and motionless, seemingly unfazed by the weight of his recent ordeal. He had suffered a vicious assault from a man he had mistaken for a doctor. 

Matt's purpose for being in the prison was to gather vital information about Wilson Fisk, a dangerous game considering Fisk's far-reaching influence over both the inmates and the staff.

As he attempted to open the door leading out of the nurse's room, Matt discovered that it was securely locked due to an electrical malfunction. Suddenly, the shrill ring of a phone broke the silence, causing Matt to turn his head slightly.

Clutching his injured hand, still tender from the recent stabbing attempt, Matt paused for a moment to listen to the persistent ringing emanating from the wall-mounted telephone. 

The sound seemed to reverberate loudly in his ears, an unfamiliar sensation that almost taunted him.

With measured steps and an air of caution, Matt made his way toward the telephone. Allowing it to ring once more, he reached out and grasped the black receiver, pressing it gently against his ear.

"You're not Franklin Nelson," Fisk said on the other line of the phone. Matt felt anger running through his body causing his heart to race at a million miles per hour. 

Panting ever so slightly; a chuckle had come from the mouth of Matt. "Fisk." 

"It's quite something to see." The sounds were heard. "For a blind man, you have very impressive reflexes, Mr. Murdock." Feeling something blinking in the back of his head. 

Matt turned with hesitation toward the camera that hung in the corner of the room. 

"Do you remember the last time we spoke?" Fisk had continued to talk, Matt knew he was watching from the camera. "You said that, for the cost of postage, you could prevent my reunion with the only person who gives my life meaning. The only person that I love. and I would've let bygones be bygones...But you didn't just threaten me...You threatened Vanessa, and that is something I can not forgive." 

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