sixteen:﹙woman scorned﹚

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women scorned

"contains; murder"— do not proceed with caution

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"contains; murder"
— do not proceed with caution

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Karen made a hurried visit, desperately seeking Y/n's presence to discuss their sister Maggie. She knocked on the door with a sense of urgency, hoping for a heartfelt conversation. 

However, the door swung open to reveal Leah, who appeared frazzled and preoccupied. Her hands were occupied with the task of packing, hastily gathering her belongings into bags, and readying herself to return to the church they once called home.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Karen's eyes darted between the half-packed bags and Leah's troubled expression. It was clear that something significant had transpired, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within Leah. 

The weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, leaving Karen uncertain about what had led to this sudden decision to leave.

The doorway served as a threshold between two worlds: one filled with unanswered questions and a sister seeking solace, and the other beckoning Leah back to the sanctuary of the church, perhaps in search of sanctuary and respite. 

As Karen stood there, a mix of concern and curiosity etched across her face, the future of their relationship hung in the balance, awaiting the next turn of events.

Karen had offered Leah to come with her for safety after being told that Y/n wanted her to go into hiding. The two of them had hidden for safety inside the church Sister Maggie had offered them safety in. 

In the dimly lit basement of the church, the two women sat in solemn silence, their hearts burdened by the struggles they endured due to their associations with certain individuals.

Leah, having just emerged from a shower, noticed Karen pacing anxiously with traces of tear-stained eyes. Concern etched on her face, she cautiously inquired, "Are you alright?"

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