thirteen: ﹙backlog﹚

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the call so close

"contains; none-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; none-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

Waking up, to the sounds of honking coming from outside of the apartment

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Waking up, to the sounds of honking coming from outside of the apartment. Feeling skin under her head, opening her eyes to Matt, still asleep under her. A smile formed on her lips, seeing that he was still there and didn't move.

Cutting his cheek, and lifting herself a bit to place a kiss on his lips. A second didn't pass until Matt kissed her back, placing his hand on her hip. "Good morning" She muttered into his lips a hazy smile on both of their faces.

"Morning" Matt muttered into her lips. "Mhm," He groaned in pain a little.

Y/n moved off of his body cause of the pain, causing Matt to sigh open his eyes and stare off at the ceiling. "I'm getting you pills" She simply said, standing dress shirt grabbing the pills from the counter and handing them to Matt before crawling back into bed with him.

After taking the pills, he put his head back with a sigh. "I love you," He said through his lips, putting his hand out for her to lean into not knowing where on the bed she was laying. Y/n leaned into it.

'i love you" She cleared, turning her head up to look at Matt. "So stay here and let me take care of you today" Y/n truthfully just wanted to give herself something to do that wasn't as obvious as cooking was to take her mind off of things.

"I can make breakfast, and then we can listen to music later" Y/n leaned in her lips hovering over his own, as he hummed to the sound of it. "The punisher is gone, meaning- we can go back to normal"

Humming but this time there was a hesitation in it. Causing Y/n to eye him, the smile on her face fading knowing something was wrong. Sitting up, from the bed ran her hands through her hair. "Fuck" She muttered into her hands.

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