twelve:﹙new chance taken﹚

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new chance taken

"contains: blood"- proceed with caution

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"contains: blood"
- proceed with caution. 


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For almost three days, she had been left in the dark with no communication from Frank. The silence was deafening, and memories of their last meeting weighed heavily on her mind.

Despite the pain of his absence, she couldn't help but feel that he was more forthright in his departure than Matt had been.

She sat on the couch, lost in thought, fixated on the sight of the beautiful flowers she had given to Frank. The vivid colours and delicate petals reminded her of happier times. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the house, jolting her back to reality.

She looked up to see Leah entering the room, her steps deliberate and purposeful. The soft rustle of fabric and clinking of glass indicated she had brought something with her. 

As Leah approached, she noticed the glass of water in her hand, condensation dripping down the side, hinting at its chilled temperature.

"No word from Pete the dragon, am I right?" 

A snicker had left her mouth, shaking her head shortly. "Not surprised" She sat up, trying to make room for Leah to sit beside her on the couch. "He just leaves all the time, just to show up again" 

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