fourteen:﹙his sorry﹚

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his sorry

"contains; a lot of sex-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; a lot of sex-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

"So what brings you in?" The therapist asked, sitting across from her

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"So what brings you in?" The therapist asked, sitting across from her. "Today? Y/n?"

Y/n sat with her legs crossed, wearing a maroon blouse, and dark blue jeans; with crossed legs, she looked around the office that was warm tones all around, along with plants and pictures of art for comfort; it was a pretty large room that she was sitting in.

A small and warm smile rested on her lips, as she held onto her own hands. "I have an outburst" She confessed not going into detail, moving a piece of her hair out of her own face.

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't have these outbursts," The woman spoke, with blonde hair across from her; wearing warm-toned clothes as well.

Knowing that she had a point, and Y/n just didn't want to go into detail about these knowing it could get her locked up. "I think, my boyfriend is cheating..." Y/n muttered, glancing at the phone on the table; knowing they were diving right in.

Looking down at her notepad. "What makes you think this?"

"He's been jumpy, nervous.." Y/n confessed holding onto her own hands in comfort.

"And this outburst, give me an example of one. "

Flashes of; Y/n slitting the throat of Eden, squeezing the coffee until it exploded, and her and Matt having sex, popped into her head not knowing just one time she had an outburst. "I- I spilt coffee, and broke the glass cup"

"A cup!?" The shrink spoke as if she was impressed but just listening.

"Sometimes, I get passionate..." Y/n continued on, slowly talking with the therapist nodded. Unknowingly speaking about the murder of Eden. "I think he has been checked out for the past day, or two...I'm just confused about why isn't he in it for the relationship...He seems to have a pattern,"

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