three:﹙their happy ending?﹚

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their happy ending?

"contains; detailed make out-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; detailed make out-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

Josie's bar in Hell's kitchen was packed as always, this was the second time Y/n was in Josie through the four months of dating Matt

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Josie's bar in Hell's kitchen was packed as always, this was the second time Y/n was in Josie through the four months of dating Matt. Beer was being poured at a full bar, and the pool balls clicked as they were all separated. The AC was on, with the heat raised all the way, in Hell's k

Nighttime fell among hell's kitchen. This felt good for Y/n to be out since she had been nothing but in the house and bakery trying to come up with new things that will make her bakery hyped one more.

Flying across the table, the person holding the stick was Y/n as she stood up more. "I don't know, I thought you were bad at this game, Miss Ambrose" Matt flirted, holding onto his and Y/n's beers.

"Extremely bad," Foggy reminded her.

"Are we being hustled by both of them?" Matt muttered towards Foggy.

It was Y/n and Karen vs Foggy and Matt; Matt had picked out the groups to try and prove Y/n wrong about Karen not liking her. "As sure as Josie's AC is busted," Foggy replied since it was so hot that the waiter was walking around with ice water for people; leaving them for the five.

"I feel like both of you men are calling me a liar," Y/n pointed out; chuckling, furrowing her eyebrows and joking grabbing her beer from Matt's fingers.

"I can hear if your lying, dear" Matt pointed out, resting his fingers on her hip after she took her beer.

"At least she brought water." Karen walked up, almost drinking it, and we all stopped her.

"Oh! No! You don't wanna do that." Matt, and Foggy both exclaimed, putting their hands out towards her. "You can't drink the water here."

"Josie's pipes have issues. Rust, mould." Matt explained causing Y/n to make a disgusted face towards the water.

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