Chapter Three

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The plate is clean as I finish everything. Even the glass of water is empty. Now how do I give it back to the kitchen.. i can't go out looking like this, they'd think i'm entitled already. I'll just have to wait then.

I looked at the clock and it's 7 in the evening.. no one came by and i'm itching to give this plate and glass back. I stood up and opened the door. Not a single soul is walking by. Odd.

I took the plate and glass and I sneaked slowly to go and find the kitchen.

I think I'm lost. I've been roaming around this palace and I can't find the kitchen. Why is this place deserted?

"Ah!!" I screamed when I felt someone pull me then he covered my mouth. The plate and glass fell from my hands and it shattered everywhere. I struggled to break free. He lifted me up and started to take me somewhere.

I kept kicking the air.

One person came to my mind. No. Please. I can't. The person abducting me opened a door then he just threw me inside a room and shut the door leaving me.. i looked everywhere.

This is..

"Didn't I specifically order that you stay." I could feel his gritting teeth on my skin. "Y-Your Highness, i-i'm sorry-" he bent down, tightly clasping his hand on my jaw. I whimpered as it pains me.

He looks at me full of annoyance. He then held my arm and pulled me to stand up. He's towering over me, how come I only notice his height at this very moment.

"Did you eat." He spat.

I stared in disbelief. "T-This afternoon your H-Highness"

"Bring us food!" He shouted and for a moment, i was confused on what to do, then my eyes saw his earpiece. I got hot when I looked in his eyes and they were looking at my breasts.

I coughed then his eyes went to mine as he snarled at me. I looked away scared, I should be mindful of triggering him.. I forgot what he could do. He turned around walking away then he starts to remove his royal mantle.

"M-May i, your highness." He looked at me for a moment. I couldn't just stand around just because he's about to use my body. I still have to do my duties as a servant. "You may." I walked in front of him and I started to pull away any strings tied and I carefully removed it from him.

I stole a glance of him and he's just intently looking at me. I went back to remove his mantle with shame.

Last piece of clothing and his body were unveiled before me. My eyes fluttered as I looked away. I moved to the side then I faced the doorway. I hear his pants shuffle. I moved my lips left to right as I waited for him to change.

I felt his presence behind me and I felt all of my hair stand. I kept my position and I could feel his eyes just boring through me. What could be running through his mind.

I froze as my eyes bulged when his sword was right before me. "Obey everything I say and you won't have to meet my friend." He whispers and I feel my whole body shake. I see my reflection on it clear as day.

I see a small portion of how big he is behind me through that slim steel. "Y-Yes your Highness."

"Hold it." It scared me more. I shake as I try to reach for it on his hand. Once I got a good hold on it with my hands, he let it go and I almost dropped it from the heavyweight but he caught my hands.

That took me by surprise, I didn't imagine it to be so heavy by the way he's holding it with a single hand.

T-This could've sliced through me..

I stare at his hands that enveloped mine. It's so big I could barely see my hands. "Do it again." He slowly let go and i could only lift it for seconds while shaking then i gave up, he caught it again as i pant.

How can he lift that..

The door gets knocked a few times. "Come in." I felt embarrassed that they'll see us like this. I watch them come in and get shocked for a moment before they are composed. I looked away trying to let my hair down to cover my face.

They'll surely talk about this.

I hear them leave. "Let go" I immediately remove my hands. He may have dropped the sword to his bed because he quickly dragged me to the table and sat me on a chair.

The situation felt wrong because he's the one organizing the table. "P-Please let m-" "sit." I remained quiet.

He gave me my plate then I remembered how the plates I used earlier broke.. then i realized i'm having dinner with the King himself. I looked at him then he looked at me. "What." He already looked irritated. "I-I should eat after you your Hi-"

"Eat." He frowned. I pursed my lips. I waited for him to take a bite before I dug in.

God, I can't seem to swallow my food. It's intimidating to be near him. I think I only had 4 spoons. "Eat more. You need to be healthy." I looked to my side and he's busy eating with his phone..

He noticed me.. i tried to bring another spoon in my mouth but i can't. I placed it down my plate quietly. I heard him sighed then in a swift motion, he dragged my chair towards him as he faces me.

He took my plate towards him then he took the spoon near my mouth. "Y-Your Highness i'm already full."

"You're neglecting your body, that will mean you'll neglect my child. Should I take back my words and kill you now." He looked pissed. "I'm s-sorry" I quickly ate the food from the spoon.

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