Chapter fifty-nine

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He covered the food. "Eat when you feel like it, I will just be in the other room." He said as he straight out walked away.

"H-He.." Stella is still in utter shock. I pursed my lips to let her be. "H-He asks???"

Right, all of this has already grown to me, while it's her first to see him that mellow, far from the grim outlook he had. "Yes."

"Since when??" I puffed my cheeks with air, "ever since i conceived i believe?"

"No way..," she then looked at me again, "i knew it! You've been blooming too much to just be the cause of the baby." Aish.

"He just got more gentle, that's it." I simply cleared out. "I just don't buy it.."

"Maybe because he's new to you." She's contemplating it. "No, I don't think so.. he's had many women beforehand, and he never treated them like you."

"How are you certain that he's treating me differently?" I scoffed, "Stella, the reason is because I'm carrying his child, he wouldn't want to affect the baby in any way."

"Okay then, let me turn this around. What do you feel everytime he does those gestures?"

"Happy that he's caring for his baby-"

"God damn it y/n, you've fallen.." she suddenly acted like she lost a big bet. "Yah! I did not!"

"Your eyes! When do eyes lie??" I sighed, "I just fancy his way of finally wanting a child."

She held my hand. "You can tell me when you've finally felt it, as of now, you're in denial." She's seriously pressing it. "I am not. I will not."

"Look, I am not going to scold you or what, I am just concerned."

"What do you have to be concerned about?" She's taking it too deep. "Strong feelings or desires can ruin you in the long run."

I knit my brows together, "I do not desire the King in any way."

"Either way, i'll stay by your side, want him or not, we'll look for your prince charming soon." I chuckled that she's too worked up about this. "Sure Stella."


I woke up when I felt like I hit some object near my feet. I struggled sitting up but I can manage.

A box. Y/n it said. I've never encountered such a surprise. I pulled it closer to me and lifted the box open.

Oh my, new maternity dresses again? But he just bought me new ones last week? And most of what he bought hasn't even been worn yet?

This looks so expensive. I heard him come in. "Choose what you want for the check-up later."


"My~ what a healthy baby girl." Doctor said as he probed the transducer on me. "Few months left before King Jeon gets to hold his baby."

I smiled that in just two months or so, he could finally get what he wanted and I could finally be free.

I watch the monitor and she's not a bean anymore. "May I just ask, do you plan to deliver her normally?"

I haven't thought much about that recently.. "i-uh.." I looked at Majesty that's just quiet. "I hope you didn't get pressured. You can have an elective cesarean section as you choose."

But I don't get to choose.. "i-i'll think it through, doctor." He nodded with a smile.

The car is moving and that question got stuck in my head. A normal delivery is too painful to bear-"

"Choose what you will." He finally spoke, out of nowhere. "Majesty?"

"When you deliver the baby." He's allowing me. But why does he look bothered?

"Drop us off the Keun Mall." He said to his driver that is also his private royal guard. "Majesty, we can not get out of the vehicle without the escort guards-"

"Leave us be. I talked to the owner of the mall." Talk about what? The conversation ended with just that. I will have to find out about it later on then.

I woke up when I felt someone shake me. I flutter my eyes open to see my arms wrapped around Majesty. I gasped as I moved away.

"We're here, you may continue to sleep at the palace later, for now, I need you for something."

I got attentive, the King needs me for something.


"Which crib do you feel is the best?" He asked me as he looked at the two baby cribs..

This is what he needs me for? I was all ready for any heavy tasks.. and i did not foresee him asking my opinion about the baby's essentials.

The mall is literally deserted, no sales lady is walking by to assist us. This is what he must've meant when he said he talked to the owner.

Now we have to decide on our own which is the best of the best.

"Perhaps the convertible your Majesty? The baby could use it when she soon turns into a toddler."

"Seong, take this." Huh?- he's not going to double check it? He walked and I tailed behind him. Baby clothes.

"You are carefree to roam this department, you can choose what the baby may need." Finally!

This will be fun. I took a cart and started pushing it. Hmm, where should i go, there's so many aisles to get to.

Oh I'll just start with baby bottles. There's two to choose from. A plastic or a glass bottle. Glass doesn't have any chemicals on it compared to plastics so..

I placed two bottles down the cart but I have no idea if I could breastfeed her or not. I should get five bottles. I took four more in the cart.

Now, what next.. I walked further and I saw bath essentials. I pout that they are way at the bottom, i still tried to reach for it-

"Why are you forcing yourself?" I got startled when he walked past me and took the shampoo that I was trying to reach. "Learn to ask."

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