Chapter ninety-seven

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"You were the one who gave me this bracelet?" he suddenly looked a little serious by my question. "You thought it was someone else?"

"I thought the hospital gave it to me.." he chortled at my obliviousness. "If it's not mine, I'm not allowing it on your body."

I got flustered.

He added a flower charm to it and it seems to be- "Jasmine." I looked at him. He seems to like Jasmine ever since we had tea that day. He did say that I'm like a Jasmine flower tea, blooming under heat.

I just never knew it symbolizes so much for him. "Do you have any idea what Jasmine symbolizes?"

I shaked my head. "In various cultural traditions, the gifting of a Jasmine flower symbolizes love, romance.. sensuality."

I quickly took the wine and drank it until the last drop. My eyes wavered looking at the side, unable to just gaze at him right now. "Purity, motherhood, beauty." he continued.

I can't stand his way of creating this anticipation, the car ride to get here, the set up, this dinner, this charm, his words, stare. "Is there something you wanted to say?.."

I looked at him with my heart booming. He stood up and went in front of me and held my hand to also make me stand.

"Let's see the pool first." he smiled and walked first, holding my hand. Why couldn't he just say it.

We went out of this door and the pool was already there. Glimmering under these lights as we approached it. He then suddenly pulled me to face him and held my back.

We both just stared at each other. Breathing heavily. 'Y-Yes?"

He then parted his lips only to spill nothing. He seems nervous just as I am. "I.." I gulped anticipating what he couldn't say.

"Remember what you asked earlier at the bed? What is the endearment for?" I feel pressured right now, why?

"Yes, you didn't answer it.." he looked at my lips then back to my eyes. "I want to establish what we have." he said and nothing processed in my head. Establish.

"What is there to.. establish?" I asked, timid. He smiles at my nervousness. "Well, you are the mother of my child."

Mother. "I was- no, am a surrogate-"

"You never signed any papers right?" he grins and it's true. Suddenly, I feel like everything stopped. So..

"I want Seol to grow up with a complete, functional family, to know you as her mother."

"W-What.. Wait-"

"I will not waste another minute, I promised myself that when I finally found you, I'm letting everything out."

"O-Out what?" I'm anxious and confused now. "That I liked you the first time around."

"W-What.." I feel my eyes water. "I watched you transition to becoming a mother and I fell for you."

"What." I muttered under my breath. "I love you." I froze.

"Please, say something." he held my face with his hands. I-I couldn't tell him that..

"y/n." he looked at my eyes, scared and hopeful. How do I..

"I-I'm a servant." he instantly shaked his head. "You're my queen." I felt a tear fall from my eyes and he's seeing it. "Why are you crying?" he whispered, wary.

"y/n?" his brows would shift in worry. I held his collar and everything felt slow. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

Holding me tighter as our lips locked. I felt fireworks explode in every part of my body. We kept kissing so hard that I already felt breathless. Tears streamed down my face, unable to decipher why but I knew at this moment that I couldn't lie to myself anymore.

He suddenly broke the kiss and abruptly picked me up to throw over his shoulder- "oh!" I catch my breath as he sprints to somewhere. "W-Where are we.."

I heard a door open as we entered and in a blink, I was thrown on a soft mattress. I looked at him bewildered as he also pounced on me.

"I-" he didn't let me talk and kissed me again. Oh God. I let my guard down for a while and allowed him to kiss me. It's so loving and raged. I could just feel it.

I felt his hands start to roam my body and stopped at my breasts. I have to be aware and stop him if it ever goes too far.

I gasped in his mouth when he pulled the hem of the dress down, exposing my breasts. He stopped kissing me and looked deep at my eyes. Then his one hand went to his suit to unbutton but I held his hand.

I gulped.

"As much as I want to do it with you.. Seol is still a baby." I carefully let out and he smiled at me, "Anything you say will be obeyed." I felt relieved but he still pulled the zipper on the side of my dress.

"I thought?.." He looked at me, smirking. "I want to run my mouth all over your body, will that be prohibited my Queen?"

I was left out of words with everything he just said. I just blinked at him, flustered. He chuckled that I may be looking foolish right now.

I certainly did not expect him to say that. He pulled my dress off of my body and threw it on the floor. He then removed his suit.. Just his suit while he looks at me and I felt like a moth attracted to a burning lamp.

He lifted my foot and kissed the pad of it while maintaining his eye contact with mine and I felt like I'm about to disassemble all of my body parts so I looked away.

I felt him slowly crawling towards between my legs and kissing my skin in the process, tickling me.

I feel like I want to run away from him at this moment. This adrenaline in my body makes me feel lightheaded.

I held my breath when I thought he'll kiss my..

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