Chapter sixty-five

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I diligently ate without batting an eyelash as he stood beside me.

But ugh, his cooking is really good. I have to finish this quickly to lay down after.

Last spoonful and.. done!

I laid down like nothing happened. I felt him take the tray and leave. I seriously can't stand Majesty for now.

Earlier, he really did look like a jealous man, or was his gentleness rubbing off on me that I'm perceiving it differently. Did I look like an imbecile earlier?

He did not have to be so overprotective.. I sighed as I rubbed my tummy. I hope this little girl will not get suffocated by his father's obnoxiousness.


I woke up and everything's dark, I looked at the clock and it's one in the morning, just in time to sneak out.

I looked behind me and he's knocked out. I slowly lift my body to not cause too much movement. My, getting up is more difficult now.

I slowly stood up and tiptoed. I looked back and he's still asleep.

I took a thick robe inside the closet and wore it. I slowly turn the knob and when i opened the door, Mr. Seong is right on the door.

"Miss-" I quickly gestured to him to keep quiet and he gave me a questionable look.

I carefully said, "Mr. Seong, can you accompany me to the garden?"

"King did not order it miss." I gasped that he was loud and I checked the bed to see Majesty waking up. No! I thought Mr. Seong could at least have my back.

I gave him an angry look and he shrugged. I closed the door- "what's going on."

"Nothing." I sulked and went back to the closet to hang my robe back. I just want fresh air.

"Tell me." I heard him get up. I walked out the closet and passed by him but he held my arm. "Stop sulking already. Tell me what you want." He said through his gritted teeth.

"To be away from you even for just an hour." I said in a monotone voice, not giving him an eye.

I heard him sigh. "What do you suppose I do."

I look at him and he looks to give in to my demands. "I want to be alone in the garden-"

"No." I turned my head and was ready to take a step away from him but he pulled me and closed his face to mine.

"Stop sulking. It does not suit you." Wow, he just knows how to reconcile.

"Let go." His eyes went down to my lips. He was fast but I saw it coming, he moved forward to my face but I moved my face to the side.

He did not move for a second, probably rethinking his decision. He hung his head low then went back to look straight at my face.

"Until when do you plan to keep on sulking?" He frowns. "Until I can finally be free from your hold."

"Not happening." Wha- hmp!

He took my face and kissed me. I was fighting and hitting his chest. I tried to push him, shut my lips thin and move my face away but he's just strong.

"I won't let go until you let me suck your tongue."

He murmured in my lips. "No-!" argh! He slid his tongue in. I kept hitting him again and he doesn't seem bothered by it.

His other hand went down to my lower back and just held me tighter.

I'm getting tired of him.. I let the tension in my body go and relaxed on his hold. I am still mad at him, I just lost the energy to keep on fighting with his stubbornness, he is a King after all, he gets what he wants.

He just always will.

He then tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss and that took me aback. My lips then followed his.

Wait no. I shouldn't. I broke the kiss abruptly causing a sound and he seemed to have chuckled.

I gave him a piercing gaze but he didn't faze. "That face will never suit you. Now, let's continue." He tried to hold my face again but I turned around.

"No. I will sleep now."

"You forgot to address me by my title, flower." He whispered in my ear. "What about it, Majesty."

"Should you kneel? Bend over? Spread those legs open? Or kiss? You choose." He said with a playful tone. Unbelievable.

I turned around to face him. That smug looking face. I sighed internally. I took a step and stole a kiss to his lips.

"I want it french." He then sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me. "While you sit on me."

"My tummy is too big to get squished by you, Majesty."

"Then lay down-" can you imagine a big heavy ball sitting on your stomach as you're laid down? "No, she's heavy, Majesty."

He stood up and dragged me to the table. He lifted me up without a word. "Any more excuses?" Actually, yes. "My ass hurts here-"

He beat me to it and kissed me. His tongue tries to stimulate mine. I rubbed my tongue on his and we kept sucking each other's faces off.

After that, he went to my neck and sucked it. "Hmm" he went further down and pulled the hem of my silky nightgown down to expose my breasts.

They truly have grown. He didn't waste time and he just sucked my nipple right off. "Hmm~"

He pushed my arms behind me to better bring my chest forward. His grip is tight on me.

His tongue teased my nipple by flicking it fast. "A-Ah.." he went to the other breast and sucked it lightly to tease more.

My body heat is rising again. I feel my hole aching. "Ngh~"

He suddenly tilted me slowly until I got laid on the table. He pushed my legs down and I purred when he kissed my clit.

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