Chapter eighty-eight

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"I have another question, dear." I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. "Do you miss anything else?" before i could even think, she asked another question, "perhaps someone..?"

"I do.." I sulked.


"Stella-" I was surprised by her guess. "I-I would never.. Aunt.. my best friend is the one that i miss there."

The side of her lips curved and her eyes squinted at me. "Did I hear you stutter or was that the wind?"

"Wind, aunt." I laughed it off.


"Dear i'll have to deliver these to the city, will you be all right here?" She always asks me whenever she goes to the city. I want to accompany her but I fear getting caught.

"Of course aunt, please be safe." She pats my head and gets inside her truck. "You be safe too, okay?" I nodded with a smile.

I watched her drive off and I went back inside the house. It's been so long since she last delivered goods in the city since there was a typhoon that caused all of the fields here to be damaged.

We harvested some before the landfall of the storm for our own food and I am thankful to God that all of us here including the animals are alright.

Most of the trees here have been either uprooted or broken in half. But nonetheless, aunt Mona didn't take the collateral damage to heart as per her say, it's important that we're okay.

I should rest for now from lifting heavy crates and have a meal cooked for her return later.


"y/n?, y/n?" I quickly shot open my eyes from the knocking sound. I rushed to open the door and aunt Mona looked worried. "Oh God! I thought you'd been taken!"

"I apologize aunt, I fell asleep again after cooking a meal." I rubbed my arm and she hugged me. "Let's have a talk inside."

Why do I feel a different feeling in the pit of my stomach? Her worried face didn't disappear. We sat down on the sofa and she faced me. "I have something for you dear.."

"Aunt, you're scaring me.." I awkwardly laugh after seeing her face not change. "Aunt?" I got worried.

She then handed me a folded paper. I took it and unfolded it to see a sketch.. of me.

Missing.. Million.. "W-What?.. What's.." I stared at it. "After I dropped all the produce at the mart, I saw that, on a lamp post."

My mind is just pure blank looking at the sketch. "And I had to ask my seller.. King Jeon.." she just then sighed. "W-What is it, Aunt?" I felt my insides twist.

"He's been looking after you, after all." I felt my breath on hold, a mixture of sorrow and happiness fighting inside of me. I do not understand this.

"He's been searching every town and.. Maria guessed this town will be.. next."

He's looking for me?.. he's.. "y/n?" aunt Mona cautiously asked. "Aunt, what does this mean.." I stared at the wall.

"I believe you know the answer to that, dear." I looked at her and she's smiling at me. "But why does my mind tell me to hide.."

"Then hide all you want dear, run from him. See how far he'll go for you. Watch him rewrite the fate both of you have."

"And if he didn't, aunt?" She held my hand. "Then both of you served your times to be great lessons."

I weakly smiled and teared again. I cannot decipher this emotion that I feel in my chest.

She helped me wipe my eyes. "Aunt, do you know when they'll get here?" she shakes her head. "I do know that as of the moment, they're searching the east side." it'll give me time to hide-

"The thing is dear.. Where will you hide? The city was full of royal guards roaming, and with the reward money? I doubt anyone will pass that." I then felt hopeless.

I looked around the house, a place to hide from.. "Wait! I remember, the barn used to have an underground bunker!" I felt relieved.

"Let's give it a look, it's been so long since I last checked it."

We hurriedly went to the barn and I followed aunt Mona inside. "Here." she cleared away the scattered hay on the top of it. She held the rusted ring on it and pulled it up.

I could already see a ladder. My, it's so spacious judging by the look of it.

"Come." She climbed down and I followed. O-Oh it's so dark here..

"Careful, let me find the switch.." I held onto the wall then the light flickered for a while before it finally worked.

Woah.. "aunt, this is perfect." I look around and it's spacious inside. "I'm glad we had this."


"Aunt, we should eat."

"You can go ahead dear." She's on watch by the window, fearing that I will be taken.

It's been days and no one was entering that arc. I doubt he had given up. "Okay aunt." I went back to the kitchen and I started eating. We were taking turns on eating just to sit by the window and it makes it hard for me to see that she has to do this for me.

Hours passed as I sat by the window. I always insist on helping around the barn but she wouldn't allow me.

Why would he even look for me when all he does is lose control.

"I can see your mind flying, dear." I got startled and I looked behind me to see aunt Mona holding a tray full of snacks and juice.

She places it down on the small table and chuckles. I laughed with her. "I suppose I am."

"Would you care to tell me?" she smiles. "Oh it's nothing, aunt." I shrugged it off. "I'm guessing it has to do with the King."

I pursed my lips as I looked at the window. "So I'm right." I weakly smiled at the window. It's incredible how she can just read me.

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