Chapter thirty-nine

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"It's fine, go back to it." I didn't listen and turned to my side to brush my hair with my fingers instead to flatten it.

This is so embarrassing of me. My eyes widened when he turned me around. "Where does it hurt?" He eyed my body.

Hurt? "Nothing hurts your Majesty?" He stared for a while then took a step away. What's with him?

He looks at my figure, scrutinizing. I looked down at myself and saw if anything was weird. It seems fine?

"Tomorrow, don't leave this room. Someone will come here." He then took something from his drawer and walked away.

I was about to ask who..


Ten in the evening and he hasn't come back. I went to the window and opened it. Cold air made all of my hair stand up and I like it.

The street lights and the farthest city lights from up here are beautiful. The thought of him ruling this country is somehow amazing.

I looked up at the full moon and saw a star beside it, twinkling bright. I closed one eye and held my hand up and acted as if I held the moon between my fingers.

I heard the door open, I didn't bother looking as I already knew it was him just by his footsteps. I placed my hand down.

His track ended behind me, his scent emitted quickly.

"Why aren't you asleep." I don't have an answer. "I just feel like it, your Majesty." He placed each of his hands beside mine on the window stool. Am I really that petite compared to him?

I felt movement on my hair. I-Is he sniffing it? I turned my head around and it was a big mistake. I was shocked when he stooped down and caught my lips.

His kissing felt like he's in need again. His hands were placed on my throat as he kissed me. I didn't realize I was already kissing back.. has it become an instinct now? A habit?

Why does my body betray me? His other hand snaked on my stomach. He broke the kiss and sucked my neck. I gasped, my body felt weak and relaxed again.

His hand moved to my hip and started stroking it in an up and down motion, the friction he creates pools heat on my core.

He then decided to just slide his hand underneath my nightgown and just stroke my skin.

"Hnng" slipped out of me and I froze. He kept sucking my skin and I thought he'd be mad again.

His hand worked up till it groped my breast. "Ah" I bit my lip, feeling wet. His teeth grazed on my neck and that made me clench.

I tighten my grip on the window stool but then he carried me by surprise and laid me on my stomach on his bed.

He got on top of me and continued. "Y-Your Majesty.." I breathe out. Feeling too heated, I lifted my ass and it collided with his private area. "Ahh" I moaned, instead of sorry.

Why is he calm about it? His hand squeezed my breast and it felt good. "Haa" I can't help it, I need him.

I attached my ass to his pants. Like a cat in heat, I purred to grab his attention. He pressed my hips down to detach it and I felt a little infuriated by that.

He inserted his hand back to my breast and pinched my nipple. "Ahh-!"

"You're purring too much.." he whispered seductively then he said, "sleep."

He stood up and I turned my body to look at him going to the bathroom, stripping his shirt off.

D-Did he purposely do all of that to tease me?

I buried my face on the mattress feeling hot still. I arched my back. I squeezed my thighs and felt how slippery I am, and I am not wearing anything underneath.

His way of putting me to sleep caused me to stay awake and needy.

I grunt as I spread my knees, feeling myself throb.

Then I felt defeated so I let my knees unfold. I closed my eyes to just wait for my sleep to take me as I hear him shower.


I'm sitting on the bed, just waiting for anyone to enter as he stated yesterday.

The thought of last night caused me to stand abruptly from shame. Remembering how i was asking him last n-

I slapped myself, blinking. That must never happen again, i will not be drawn the second time around-!

The door opened and in came a woman carrying two big black bags. Uh..

"Are you y/n." Her strictness caused me to stand properly. "Yes."

"I am Choi Lei. Cosmetologist." Oh I see, when he must've seen me in a groggy and messy bed hair, he must've thought of me as an ugly sack of rice.

Wow, what an insult. I thought saying straight to someone's face that he or she is ugly is already painful, but this here is next level.

She placed her bags down and stood in front of me. She examines my hair and face.

She's really.. intimidating to look at.. "When was the last time you got your hair treated?" Well this is easy. "Never.."

"What make-up products do you use?" I scratched my head. "A-Anything?"

"How often do you use make-up?" Hmm.. "I had make-up on the night of the festival." I smiled awkwardly. She's so professional just by looking at her.

"Okay then, lessons start now." Huh what?


"No, scrub it with the pad of your fingers."

"No, only on the scalp."

"No, all of them."

"No, primer first."

"No, only the nose line."

"No, pick what compliments your skin tone."

I plopped my butt on the bed after she left. Holy shit, these routines are so handful to keep up with, and even before she left, she kept lecturing me about the do's and don'ts of taking care of my hair and face.

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