Chapter seventy-five

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I looked and he's facing Seol's crib. Hmm. I fixed my plate and stood up to go to the kitchen.

With my fourth step, he walked past me grabbing the plate off my hands. I got startled, sounding out a shock from my mouth. He went out without a word.

Such an attitude. He didn't take it from my hands aggressively, but the way he ignores me does.

Am I at fault on this one? I don't think so, but the way he acts bothers me more than I thought.

I sighed. I guess I'll have to break a rib for this one.

I proceeded to walk. I opened the door and two royal guards are on watch. I walked and entered the kitchen. He's currently cleaning the used kitchenware.

How do i.. "What." His cold tone and lack of eyes on me confirms that this will last longer. "I apologize..Majesty." I said with caution as I approached him.

He pats his hands on his apron then removes it on him and steps down from the sink and he finally faces me with a grumpy face.

"Care to specify?" my forehead creased. I tilted my head, thinking. ".. on what, Majesty?"

He trapped my figure on the counter. I looked up to him. We looked at each other for a while, he seemed to wait for something. "I see." He sounded disappointed, argh.

He turned around. "I-I'm sorry for.. Confronting you like that.." I guess? He stopped. He faced me. His stare is intimidating. "Tell me, why the apology all of a sudden."

Oh I uh.. What do i.. "Seol.. shouldn't be surrounded with much silence.." I reluctantly said, he took a step closer to me. "So you're using my daughter now as an excuse?" he smirked a little. I'm relieved seeing that smug face.

"I wish I could Majesty." I proudly retorted even if he was right. "Then what do you plan on making me forgive you?"

"Care to give me choices, Majesty?"

"You can't be pinned on the wall yet, you can't be thrown on the bed, and you can't even walk straight. You tell me."

I got flustered from the very first sentence he said. Why does he always have to be so dirty minded!

"I-I.." his face is suddenly an inch from mine, "yes?" He's smirking.

"I think i'm already forgiven, why else are you talking to me Majesty." I boldly stated.

"Doesn't matter, you hit something in here." He took my hand and placed it on his chest with a grin on his face.

His heart is pumping hard. He then lowers my hand to his abs. "And here.."

I already know where this will lead. I retracted my hand and he let me. I gave him a strict look all while he smirks at me.

"I can't think of anything Majesty, honestly." he looks to his side and i can tell he's thinking something coy with his grin.

He took a chair and sat down, he patted his lap looking at me. "Come here."

I sat on his lap sideways since I can't manage to be flexible just yet. "I want you to kiss where you think I'm vulnerable best."

I just stared at him with his intriguing request. Most vulnerable..

I looked at his lips, they are definitely not.. his cheeks? No.. his forehead is not it for certain.

I looked further down and I saw his neck, precisely reminding me of the time that I made him hard just by brushing his Adam's apple.

"Can you throw your head back for me Majesty?"

"Anything for you." He smirks and I felt like blushing with his flirtatious remark. I am completely bewildered at his change of character, I didn't even know he got skills with flirting.

He tilts his head until his neck is exposed before me.

I slowly moved my face closer to it, he gulps and his Adam's apple is mesmerizing to see.

He said kiss right? What if i suck it? I placed my hand on his nape. "Now where did you learn that?" He teases and while he was talking, my eyes were only on his Adam's apple.

"You, Majesty." He chuckles lightly. "Well i have to s- hng-"

I stuck my mouth on it and sucked it lightly, grazing my tongue with it. He immediately held my hips and I could feel his temptation just by the way he held me.

I detached from it quickly and he lifted his head back, sighing with hooded eyes. "You just know how to break me, do you?" His deep voice tells me so.

I shrugged it off, acting all composed. Like what I'd done wasn't making his mind sin. I know because of his eyes.

"I only do it if you say so, Majesty."

"Well then.." he lifted me up without warning and placed me on the counter. "Might as well return the favor." He pokes fun of.

"N-No, b-but-" he was quick to pull my hair and suck my neck. "Argh~!" I groaned, feeling myself ache again.

This is just bad, I'm still healing and he's making my soreness worse.

He isn't forgiving, because he wouldn't stop sucking me all over. I felt weak and hot all over me, my mind clouds with erotic visions that I couldn't possibly have for now.

"Please stop." I whispered, begging. "Quiet, let me linger in your whimpers."

I bit my lip and he made it worse, he sucked me so loudly and hungry. "Hng.."

"I-I can't take it." I pushed him off and he allowed me. I pant trying to ease the burning rage inside of me.

"I like seeing you worked up." He teases and chuckles.

All while I ache from below. He tried to come closer again but I had to raise my hand and place it on his chest. "I beg of you, it hurts worse than you can think of, Majesty."

"Right, you're still sore." He emphasizes the last word as a pun.

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