Chapter Two

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Should I cry? That he gave me a chance? Is that happiness?

Once the tub has been filled, she starts to drop oils and petals. "Y-You shouldn't." I feel sorry for it. "Why not? His Majesty specifically ordered you to bathe in his chambers."

I looked at the water, seeing my legs under it.. I should just tell her. "I.. I was caught, trying to steal his ring." I closed my eyes and flinched for any hand coming my way but none came, I slowly opened my eyes to check and she just stared at me.

"You can bad mouth me.." I stared at the floating rose petal. Anyone hated anyone who'd disrespect the King. "Why." I shot my eyes to her, not expecting her to look behind it. "His brother held a knife at my throat earlier at dawn"

I feel ashamed that I couldn't risk my life for our King. I just can't. My bones feel like I'm not meant to die just yet. "You're the first person he has not killed." I closed my eyes, sipping the words not killed. "How come." She questioned further.

Is my ordeal with the King classified, can she know? "The King exchanged it for something else.." she continued to scrub my body. I wince once in a while because of my cut. "What could our King need that he doesn't or couldn't have?" And it ringed my ear, Why? She's right.

King Jeon could just impregnate any noble women here. "S-Surrogate mother?" I hesitated to spill it out. "What?? You? A servant??" I know right. Why would that consideration fall to me?

Yes i'm a servant, but not like how you typically imagine one. I'm neat in and out, I take care of my scent and hair. I always clean my clothes and also eat very well and brush. The only problem is the title I don't have.

I'm just a commoner. "I ask the same.." I sulked as she lathered the shampoo on my hair. "How do you feel?" It took me by surprise. Why would she want to know? "Terrified." She sighed as she started to rinse my body.

"I'm sorry.. us servants are always at the bottom of the food chain as it may seem." I faintly smiled as someone sympathized. "I'll endure it, I can't die by someone's hand." She helped me to stand up out of the tub and pat my body with a towel.

"You seem to have a strong spirit, don't lose it." She looked right through me and it gave me encouragement. "T-Thank you" she smiled as she took the new clothes, i thought it was a new pair of uniform but it seems to be a casual dress.

As Maine unraveled the dress, a pair of sultry looking underwear fell on the floor. "O-Oh my.." I stuttered as I've never worn anything like this. "Oh my, I think our King is kinky," Maine joked around while I gulped. What exactly will happen to me..

I took a long, heavy inhale before I wore the pair. "Wow you look stunning in them!" Maine clapped as I felt so exposed for some reason. She then made me wear the dress. "Wow.. now you look like someone.." She stared at me in awe and I felt shy.

"Oh wait let me get a hair blower" Maine sprinted out and I looked at the big mirror in this room. I swayed my dress. I really do look like I'm someone else..

It's been minutes and Maine isn't here yet. I start to walk inside King Jeon's quarters. It's so spacious, different types of swords are beautifully displayed on the walls. His bed is big. I tried to touch it and it's so soft my hand was somehow buried. Paintings of his parents without his brother are hanged.

Him and his brother were never on good terms. His brother seems to envy him. I couldn't blame him, His majesty is always competent and smart, his looks would always make women flutter. He also knows how to maintain his healthy body. I snapped my head to the door when i heard it open.

I looked and it's Maine. "Sorry it took so long, I had to go and get you make-up." She handed me loads of them. "W-Wait i don't use these."

"Now you will, you'll carry the King's child, you can't go looking like a servant." I blinked many times, "but I am?" She flicked my forehead, "that's my point." She sighed with disappointment. I massaged my forehead as I pouted.

"Learn to use them, make the King ask for many children" I choked on my saliva hearing her say that. Monthly periods already pains me, how much more for countless pregnancies??

"Yeah i won't be needing these" i shoved it back to her. She glared at me. "Fine don't use as much, but be presentable, don't make the King regret your death" She shoved it back to me.

She made me sit on the chair and turned the hair blower on.

"Done!" She took the hair blower and even the shredded uniform of mine and told me to just wait for him..

I sat on the floor because sitting on his belongings felt so wrong.


I woke up hearing footsteps and it just hit me.. I quickly sat up and I calmed down when it's just another servant cleaning his chamber. I stood up. What should I do? He told me to stay here.. i looked at the clock and it's already lunch time.

The servant left and I went back to sit on the floor.

Few more minutes past and it's exactly 12- the door opened and a servant with a tray came in. She handed me a plate full of vegetables and fruits with a little rice. I looked at her. Will I really get a different treatment from now on.. it seems so wrong..

"Thank you" she placed a glass of water down then left without a word. I started eating and it's heaven.. food here does really taste amazing, it's far from what we eat outside.

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