Chapter one hundred seven

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"T-Then I won't stop this time." He chuckles. "Just behave and I will make you feel good."

"No! I-If you do it, I will hate you for the whole day." Argh this can't go wrong.

"Then pick your ass up right now." He muttered seductively in my ear to which I followed his words.

I lifted my ass first then I propped my elbows up. My eyes widened when he didn't warn me of his next move, he inserted himself in me again and I couldn't help but twitch in the process.

"Move," he murmured. It makes me feel shameful with the things he makes me do. I slowly pulled myself away and brought myself back to him.

"Now these are exactly the words I just said minutes ago, you tease me." his hand gripped my waist tight with a threatening tone, "I have no strength left in me to hinder myself, flower. Move." he said the last word heavily, as if I'd get punished if I didn't do it right away.

I quickly gathered all my strength left in me and I immediately picked up my pace.

I feel like a dog being good to its owner. I grunt that it feels so good and the urge to stop is increasingly shouting in my head.

I pant and his hand went under me and squeezed my breast. "Good girl." I felt so good hearing him say that.

"Argh." he grunts loudly after and I feel him shift above me.

Now I'm the one grunting because I feel my body starting to buckle from fatigue. It was a bad idea to think that I can do this, but I will not discredit myself entirely because I gave my best efforts.

I pant and did a full stop, my arms gave up and I let my face fall to the mattress, muttering sorry to the air but was intended for him.

I heard a chuckle from him, making me stop panting loudly to hear what he has to say. "Still a good girl." he muttered in my ear.

I sighed, letting myself breathe again. I thought he would get enraged.

I feel so sticky all over from the oil and sweat. "I love your gift for me." he finally broke the silence, although I feel disappointed with myself.

"I'll love it even more if you let me take it from here, let me love my gift all over again."

I felt my heart drum loud just now. I gulped, sensing that he isn't talking about sex anymore.

"Now, you wouldn't hate me for the whole day right?" he teases while I'm still speechless. "You have to talk for this to work." he whispered to me like a child telling something trivial.

I finally smiled to myself.

Before I tell him what's on my mind, I scurry to sit up and he lets me have my space to sit and face him.

I heaved a big sigh, looking at him with a small smile etched on my face. He lifted his brow on me, a little amused.

"Love." his forehead then wrinkled with confusion. "That's what I've been meaning to call you." I watch his face brighten up with the realization as he stares at me.

I scooted closer in front of him and placed my hands around his nape. I looked him straight in the eyes, "do what you will with my body, it's yours."

I felt my face heat up seeing him trying to fight himself from smiling wide. I just know that it'll make his day the best by just letting him with his desires. I retrieved my hands from shame but he caught my hands and placed them back.

"Love.." he let it resonate in his mind and lips while he looked at me, grinning. I then felt conscious if it's- "i-is is too much?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes." my eyebrows shot up, "it's too much that you make my heart hurt right now, love." he smirked and I couldn't contain the moment so I hid on his neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck when he suddenly laid me down, surprised. Maybe telling him that was wrongly timed?

He hovered on me, looking at me with eyes glinting in happiness. I took it back, it was just a perfect time.

"Let me show you how I felt just now." Without another word, he flipped me and I remained frozen.

I gasped when he abruptly lifted my lower body by hooking his whole arm under my hips to hoist me up and back down immediately.

I got confused feeling a soft pillow under me but I wouldn't dare interrupt the moment for a query.

I felt butterflies in me when he swept all of my hair on one of my shoulders.

"Lay your head down, love. Just feel me." He gently pushed my head to flatten it on the bed while I prayed to all of the Gods there that he'd be sane on what he's about to do.

I got flustered realizing my position just now.

He then spread my legs apart and I felt him get in between me.

I unintentionally groaned when he suddenly forced two of his fingers in me.

He was quick to pump them in me fast and it took me off guard. "Hmm"

It was my instinct to close my legs and so he was prepared and pressed one of my legs down on the mattress.


I couldn't help squirming now. "Hnng, ahh"

He changed his motion and started to move his fingers up and down, hitting my walls and it's making me feel much more different.

"Ah-!" It felt so intense and I felt it growing more, causing me to bury my face on the mattress.

I gripped the sheet feeling myself about to let out- "ha!" T-Too late!

I couldn't contain it, I seemed to have pee on him, oh God.

"H-Ha~! O-Oh God! P-Please stop-!" He didn't stop and I kept squirting out on him.

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