Chapter twenty-nine

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A nightgown that's uh.. too sexy.. I looked back on my closet and I noticed that revealing clothes are more now and my shirts start to become less.

Hmm what's this? I lifted and unraveled it. Leggings? Then I picked another one, cyclings?

A-Aren't this too revealing..

I sighed. I placed it all back and chose a new shirt and shorts. Hmm.. why are there so many leggings? Does he know that it is comfortable?

Hmm, oh well.


I walked downstairs then I saw Stella walking by, she didn't notice me, good.

I quietly followed her until she went to a room and that's where I jumped on her. "Yah!" I headlocked her. "You almost got me in trouble again! You know him!"

She struggles to break free from me. "Yah! It was a test to see his reaction!" I let go of her and she pants. "Test for what?"

"You really are dense." She said, panting still. "Hey, that's rude!" I crossed my arms.

"Bitch it's clear, he doesn't like men around you." I shaked my head. "You could've given me a heads up about it!"

"Nah, you're a bad actress." She chuckled.


"What would you wear for tomorrow's festival?" She asked, leaning her back on the tree.

"I don't think I can go, I don't have a hanbok."

"Pssh, i have many, come to my house tomorrow at six in the evening and i'll dress you up." I picked a dried leaf. "What if he doesn't let me?"

"Come on~ it's a festival! The time when this country was free from colonization!"

I sighed, "again, what if he doesn't let me.."

"Then sneak out." I shaked my head even if she didn't see it. "I can't keep putting myself on the edge of my death bed, Stella."

"You seriously just have to dodge him every once in a while. He clearly doesn't harm you. He just doesn't want to." I closed my eyes, letting her words pass out on the other end of my ear.

Ten minutes of trying to sleep.. this woman snores like a pig. I opened my eyes to see her mouth wide open. Aish, I hope bird poop lands there.

I turned to my side to face the other trees instead and just as I turned, she started coughing and gagging. I quickly turned around. "Kyah!!!! A bug went inside my mouth!!" I started laughing because of her face.

She kept spitting on the ground.


We're walking through the market when she saw a perfume stall. "Wow this bottle looks so adorable." She holds it up close. Speaking of perfume.. "Hey Stella, do I smell?" She looked at me weird. "Why would you smell?"

"No it's just, I'm conscious if I have a certain body odor." She shakes her head. Why is her answer not enough..

"Byee~" I waved as we parted ways on the road. I hummed as I walked with many people.

I ran upstairs to test my body and I pant when I got to his floor. I'm never doing that again. I went inside his chamber and stretched my arms as I went near his bed. I was startled when the bathroom door opened.

My eyes unconsciously raved his body.. heat starting to cripple on my body.

"Try not to be obvious." He spoke and I quickly looked away. Oh my God. I turned away to get out but he didn't let me. He turned me around to face him.

He lifted my chin then he smirked, "ovulating?" W-Why would he ask that. I quickly shaked my head. Did he really sense it?

"Nothing's wrong with that." He looked straight at me, then he walked to the closet. Hmm? He's opening the closet that's full of my supposed clothes. He took a peach colored silky nightgown.

"Come here." I stood in front of him. "Wear this." He handed it to me. This is a bit too revealing for me.. i looked at it and it is adorable and sweet looking- "only this." I quickly looked at him.

What. I waited for him to clarify. He bent down to level his face on mine. "It means you're not wearing anything beneath it." As if he just talked to a little girl..

"Go." He strictly said so and so I scurried to go inside the bathroom and shower first.


I stare at the nightgown in the mirror. The hem is too high, I don't think this even ends mid thighs? I turned around to check my back. Oh my God it's too much, wind could just expose me that easily, glad there's no fan here.

I quietly opened the door and stepped out. I froze when I turned and I saw him on the bed, back laid against the headboard, holding his phone and shirtless.

What do I do.. he placed the phone down and looked at me. Oh God oh God.

"Come here." I pulled the night gown to cover myself- "do not. Just walk." I walked sideways instead- "do it again." He snarled. This isn't easy for God's sake!

I walked with fear that my nightgown would just lift on its own.

Phew. I successfully went to the side of the bed. "Use my perfume." Hmm? It would be such a waste to use it at night when I'm about to sleep..

I took it anyways, just so he wouldn't get worked up about it.

I spritz a little on my neck. That should do it- "more." I sprayed some on my wrist and behind my ears. Wow this smells so good, it's not so stinging to the nose even if its scent is strong. Wow, even his perfume bottle has an engraved name on it? I like how the color of the perfume is like the shade of the sky on a sunny day.

I placed it back and climbed on the bed. I turned around to face the wall and i'm baffled that he covered half of my body with a blanket. He never did that.

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