Chapter nineteen

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He went behind me and covered my mouth hard with his hand then he started sucking my neck. I already felt like losing oxygen. "Hmmp!" His other arm wrapped around my stomach to make me still.

God it still feels astounding. My whole body starts to tingle with arousal. I arched my body and he hugged me tighter. He sucked my earlobe and my intoxication with pleasure heightened. "Hng!"

His hand starts to go down. "Hmp!" My tied hands tried to block it but he got through it. I shaked my head when his hand cupped my pussy. "Hmp!"

He pushed my mouth harder causing my head to rest on his shoulder. His finger started to probe my clit and I felt violated by it. I tried to move around.

He moved his hand that was covering my mouth higher until my nose was covered. "Hmp!" He's trying to suffocate me again! My mind is a tornado of emotions that I start to feel light again.

I felt weak yet again and so I slumped my body to rest on his body. He lowered his hand to my mouth and so I did my best to inhale air.

I wanted to bawl my anger at his face, to keep pushing my body out of his, however I can't keep running out of air.

His finger found my hole, so I sobbed. I shaked my head to let him know it's wounding my dignity. He feels the surroundings of my hole, as if to taunt me.

His finger traced back to my clit. He slowly rubs it, I screamed but it came out muffled. His hand that was covering my mouth gripped my hair. "Pervert!"

He yanked my head causing my vision to spin. His hot breath on my ear made me flinch, "call me a pervert one last time. I'll put my cock right up your ass while you scream your lungs out."

I suppressed my sobs. He continued to move his finger and I fought to keep quiet. Then I felt two fingers go back to my hole.

I felt humiliated when he pressed my hole and I felt so drenched down there. Forget about two.. his whole palm rubbed my hole, I could only whimper.

He yanked my head forward and my nape feels so sore. He lifted his palm for me to gaze.. I could choose death over confrontation. His palm glimmers.. m-my wetness.. all over his palm. "Am I a pervert?" He breathed in my ear.

I gulped. "Please.. just do what you want.. I beg you.." I murmured so all of this will be over. "Why not, your lover boy would do the same, it's just that, he's stupid at it." God! Can this be over?? Please! "Why else are you nude in front of me? Right, he doesn't have power over your body." Those words caused my elbow to nudge his side from anger. I didn't get any reaction from him..

My face was suddenly planted on the mattress. Hand pushing my head causing me to lack air. I did my best to move my face to the side. I screamed in defiance when I felt his thumb trying to go in on me. I moved my hips side to side and my ass met his rough hands.

I shrieked, his hand was so heavy.. the pain would not go away. I remained still. It hurts me that I got to go through this.. "you didn't stick with your words.. why should i!"

"May it be submissive or not, I will take what you owe me." He spat on my ear.

Compromising that he'll let Kian live and me to be passive was a disgusting conversation with a beast wearing a facade.

"King Jeon, are you there?" Someone knocked. A woman with a soothing, soft voice. He didn't answer, instead, he untied my hands and draped my body in a blanket.

He stood up then I heard him open the door. "Oh.. your Majesty, were you sleeping? I just need to get a.." she stopped walking when she saw me. On his bed. I looked away.

"W-Who is she?" Her voice wavered, I heard it even if she tried to mask it. A woman wearing a different hanbok, only the ones highest next to the King can wear it.

"Nobody. What do you need?" King Jeon walked to us. "N-No i.. I need to know her."

"What do you need." His voice starts to get irritated. "Tell me who she is to you." She kept insisting. "Who is this woman, naked in your bed?"

"Don't you disrespect me." I looked and King Jeon was holding that woman's face.. like what he does to me. "Tell me." He dragged her away and I heard the door slam.

I waited for him to come back.. I walked and saw that he wasn't by the door.. Did he deal with that woman the same way he does with me?


"Do you think I'll be able to get a loving man?" Stella asked as we did the laundry. "Of Course? Why do you think otherwise?"

"I just see that most men aren't good.." King Jeon came into my mind. He didn't go to his room last night. "It's best to see them for who they are before you get trapped.." I said as I washed his clothes. She patted my shoulder. I forgot that she knew my story.


I brushed away the dried leaves and sat at the root of the tree I always lean on. I hum as the air welcomes me. When do I get my freedom? No, will I ever get my freedom, is the question.

I sighed, I need to doze off a bit.

I stretched and hummed in contentment. I opened my eyes then I saw myself on a bed.. an unfamiliar bed. I stared at my reflection at the mirror, directly at my view..

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