Chapter six

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He looked at my extended hands before looking back at my orbs. He smirked and I didn't know what to do. "You dare touch your King without permission?" Such a sly remark. "Y-Your High-"

"Should I do the same?" I quietly gasped as those words registered in my mind. No..

"P-Please your Majesty, I-I'm not-"

"-ready? You should know I won't wait for you, I'm after your body after all." My eyes quivered looking at his hair-raising choices of words. He's right. What was I thinking? I forgot I owe him a child to bear.

I looked away. "I'm sorry your Highness."

"Undress before me." I closed my eyes after hearing that. I dragged the lower part of my dress and I did my best to remove it as he watched me. "All of it." I felt defeated and just went ahead in removing my bra and panty.

I covered my breasts when he lowered his face to my neck. "Use my perfume." I blinked several times.

He lifted himself again, "you can roam the grounds later." My eyes bulge hearing that. But wait.. his brother.. "I locked him." As if he just read my mind. Suddenly I felt a thorn get plucked out of my chest.

"T-Thank you your Majesty." I'll visit outside to check on my friends. My thoughts vanished when I felt his hand on my waist. "You seem happy. Don't run off. I won't hesitate to decapitate you next time."

"N-Never your Majesty." I gulped, "c-can i visit my old place your Majesty."

"It relies if you open your legs tonight." G-God. I slowly opened them then he positioned himself in the middle. It's as if I'm giving my body in exchange for freedom.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I gasped for it. He approached his face to mine, just an inch apart as he stared. "Why am I finding it hard to believe that you're pure?"

I don't know why it's so hard for him to grasp that information. "Turn around." I hurriedly turned my body. His hands held my hips then he pulled it up, sticking it to his area. I gulped.

His warm big hands remained holding my hips. "Stay still." He let go of me then I felt and heard him removing his pants. No. Please.

My body flinched when his hand ran from my tailbone to my nape. The bed shifted and he seemed to leave the bed. I only heard the bathroom door open and close. I need to wait or else he'll be mad.

Minutes passed and it's getting harder for my eyelids to stay open.


I stretched as I sat up. Yawning as I look at my surroundings..

Wait. Last night.. I quickly stood up to check my body. Nothing hurts. The bathroom door opened and I turned around to see him drying his hair with only a towel on his waist.

He looked at me then at my body. I turned around, he pulled me by the hair. "You slept on me last night." His hot breath passes on my ear. "S-Sorry your Highness, i couldn't fight it." The door gets knocked. Such good timing. "What."

"Your Majesty, Queen Mona has arrived." Queen? What could she be doing here? He let go of my hair. "I'll go after you."

He went to his closet. I took a new towel and covered my body. He came out wearing his red royal mantle but it's undone. I looked at him and he seemed to be waiting for me. I immediately went to tie any loose strings.

He then went out of this room without a word.. I kind of felt hurt but what for. I'm just here because of my body. Living and breathing for his own purpose. I got inside the bathroom to bathe.


I kept looking for him. "Oh sorry-" i bumped into someone but i got ecstatic that it was him that i was looking for. "Y/n??"


"So that's what happened.." I looked at the biscuit i'm eating. "I'm truly sorry.. I wasn't there to protect you from his brother." He held my hand and I looked at it. "It wasn't your fault, don't be burdened by it Kian."

He gripped my hand tighter. "But it is, now your body's for someone else." I looked at him and he's staring straight ahead but I could see anger in his eyes.

I've known Kian for so long. He was the one that kept protecting me. "Where's Kaila?" He closed his eyes. "Kaila gave up becoming a servant, she couldn't take it anymore." Poor her, she hated it, she only stuck around because of me, it must've taken a toll on her when she found out i was gone.

"I wish she knows I'm alive.." I looked up, staring at the trees swaying with the wind. I hear him sigh. "I was scared when I found out you were taken away. I thought I'd lost you." I looked at him and he's looking at me.

For a moment, I felt his stare differently. "Do you think he'll let you go after giving birth?" I've been contemplating about that. He didn't compromise anything. "I actually don't know." I looked at the sky. "I feel as if my life is hanging by a thread Kian."

He pulled me by a hug which took me by surprise. Then he cupped my face to look at him. His eyes speak in another language I'm not familiar with. I watch his face inch towards mine.

I held his chest. "Kian.." I didn't know he felt this way for how long. All this time, I looked at him as a brother. "You don't feel the same?" He looked hurt and I got hurt by this. "I'm sorry.." I murmured. "It's alright, just accept mine until it runs out." He kissed my forehead and it pains me.

A twig snapped and I looked in that direction, adrenaline rushed in me seeing his royal guard. "His Majesty asked for you." His stern look and posture scares me.

"I'll see you when I can." I faintly smiled at him. "Take care." He squeezed my hand and I nodded.

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