Chapter seventeen

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I gasped as I shot my eyes open and sat up, almost bumping my face to his. That dream.. what is just about to happen. His eyes looked all over my face.

I moved back a little when his face went forward. I quickly checked the time, it's 2am. Did he just arrive? Or was he here for how long?

"Had a bad dream? Or did your body just sense me?" He smirked. I stayed still, just looking at him. "What did you two talk about?"

"J-Just about the country your Majesty.." I watch his tongue lather his lips with his saliva. "Not him." His face got dark. Who else? I didn't talk to anyo-.. I looked back at him.

Why is it such a big fuss to him? "I forgot your Majesty.. I'm sorry."

"Then how about his sweet forehead kiss? Did you forget about that?" I knew it, someone was watching us.. his two fingers are placed on my forehead.

"I think you two forgot who you're dealing with."

My body shivered. "N-No your Majesty, i-i talked to him about it, please it's not something to stir about." Damn it Kian. I can't risk another disaster.

"So you two did talk, tell me, what were his words that made you walk away?" I shaked my head, "please, no." I whispered, fearing what he'd do this time.

"Why no." His fingers then held my chin. "Please don't kill him.." I felt my eyes sting. "Hmm, yet you two keep bumping into each other. What should I do then?" He tilted his head, in a playful manner. Is that really how it is, when you have an immense power at your hands.

"I-I'll avoid him, please.." he wiped the tear that rolled on my face. "Not enough." His baritone voice shook my mind. "Please"

He simpered, "you keep saving him while he keeps putting you down." No, it's because you're using him against me. "Last warning." He spat at my face. I nodded repeatedly as I looked down. I shut my eyes as I thank God.

I opened it and locked eyes with him when his hand started to travel on my thigh. "You think we're done?" He smirked and my mind stopped working.

His hand pulled my panty aggressively and I got laid down in the process and he just flung it out on the floor. He lifted my nightgown, and as a usual response, I closed my legs.

I gasped when he opened it easily. I was sure I had closed it shut?? He got between me but his body is not sticking to mine and I hope it stays that way.

His arms propped beside my head, caging my whole body. His eyes that I avoid the most, met mine. His aura is scaring me. "We've done this before, why are you still timid about it?" He spoke, lips just above mine.

He rose up to my surprise but then I got scared again when he removed his shirt. He caged my face again. "Unzip my pants."

I gulped as I carefully patted around. I found the button then the zipper and I zipped it down. "Pull it down." Oh God. I tried to reach for the hem of his pants as I still looked up. "With my boxer." Argh! I did all of it quickly.

I shrieked when he aggressively pulled the neck of my nightgown, causing a loud tear. I tried to push him off. He then stopped and started laughing. I-Is he sane?

Then he got serious.. "Did you just try to push me off?" Oh Lord. I gulped seeing insanity in his eyes. "That will be the last time you do that to me." He said, pulling my bra up, making me levitate a little in bed and I'm just waiting for the moment for it to snap.

He let go and I fell back on the bed. Us acting this way revolts me. I then start to notice someone screaming but from afar? He seemed to have heard it as the windows were opened.

I got up when I heard my name. I fixed the tear of my nightgown and used my hands on it to cover my chest.

I looked through the window and got disappointed. He's being dragged away by royal guards but he keeps on pushing. "You are a worthless King, who only preys on weak women to have sex with!! You shall step down and release y/n!!"

I gasped then I felt King Jeon's presence behind me. I gulped.. Kian, I don't know if I can save you this time. Please.

I watch him fight to walk. "Let him speak." King Jeon said. Kian's voice seemed drunk. Are men mostly stupid when intoxicated with alcohol?

"Give her back! You are not worthy to have her! Or anyone!" King Jeon suddenly turned me around. He collected all of my hair and moved them to my shoulder. "Let her go! You are an oaf! You are a faux king!" Kian!

"You are correct, she is not worthy." That felt like his sword just slashed my heart in half. I hung my head low as he put me in my place. He then tears my nightgown until it falls to the ground.

I'm grateful that only half of our bodies can be seen in this big window. "You are a deviant King!! Stop that!" God Kian, you are making this worse, as shameful as I may say it, but King Jeon is right this time, he keeps putting me down and causing me to get used.

"Tell me, how can a low life like you make her have worth?"

"Arrogant son of a bitch! I may be penniless, unlike you, but I can show her love that you lack!" King Jeon just laughed. "Really now?"

My chin got lifted by his hand and he gripped my face to stay still. He went to kiss me and I could just hear Kian's heart get torn to shreds. I'm sorry.. but you pushed him.

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